can you please check the problem and on this link
In the log file i have this information
03-23-2016 @ 21:46:18 – Processing order #3306
03-23-2016 @ 21:46:18 – Do payment request Array
[DPFields] => Array
[paymentaction] => Authorization
[ipaddress] =>
[returnfmfdetails] =>
[CCDetails] => Array
[creditcardtype] =>
[acct] => ****
[expdate] => 42021
[cvv2] => ****
[startdate] =>
[issuenumber] =>
[PayerInfo] => Array
[email] => [email protected]
[firstname] => Test
[lastname] => test
[BillingAddress] => Array
[street] => tester address
[street2] =>
[city] => test
[state] => HR
[countrycode] => IN
[zip] => 134116
[phonenum] => 9646512322
[ShippingAddress] => Array
[shiptoname] => Test test
[shiptostreet] => tester address
[shiptostreet2] =>
[shiptocity] => test
[shiptostate] => HR
[shiptozip] => 134116
[shiptocountry] => IN
[shiptophonenum] =>
[PaymentDetails] => Array
[amt] => 477.00
[currencycode] => USD
[insuranceamt] =>
[shipdiscamt] => 0.00
[handlingamt] => 0.00
[desc] =>
[custom] =>
[invnum] => 3306
[notifyurl] =>
[recurring] =>
[taxamt] => 0
[shippingamt] => 0
[itemamt] => 477.00
[OrderItems] => Array
[0] => Array
[l_name] => CompTIA A Plus Practice Test Bundle 220-901 and 220-902
[l_desc] =>
[l_amt] => 159
[l_number] => CB9012
[l_qty] => 3
[l_taxamt] =>
[l_ebayitemnumber] =>
[l_ebayitemauctiontxnid] =>
[l_ebayitemorderid] =>
[Secure3D] => Array