You can validate your page source by copying it & pasting it into the validator window (select the validate by direct input option)
Modifying the plugin’s code is not a good idea. That code is there for a reason and although it might seem like a good workaround it is not actually fixing a shortcoming in the code and could cause other problems, and any update to the plugin in future will lose your changes.
I am sure that the real cause of the issue can be found and corrected if we undertake some troubleshooting. The issue will most likely be found to be due to incorrectly formed shortcodes or invalid html in the WordPress visual/text editor, or a conflict with some code in another plugin or the theme.
I have done some testing on one of my test sites and I can reproduce the reported issue by adding an
parameter/value pair to more than one tabby shortcode in a tab group (as stated in the documentation, this is not a supported configuration).
Please check that the open parameter has been added to no more than one [tabby] shortcode in your tab group.