Hi Fred, sorry things got bit hectic here.
I finally tracked it down to where the code allows for multiple shortcodes on a page (Have to have different id’s then, else html will not validate. )
Code will add a number to the id, if it detects that it is NOT the first use of the shortcode. So somehow it thinks that that instance of the shortcoe that you have is NOT the first time the shortcode has been used. (Because the global amr_icalno has been set). So on my pages there are no numbers in the div id because the shortcode is either the first or the only one on the page.
line 2045 in amr-ical-events-list-main.php
function amr_get_id_for_shortcode () { // allows for the possibility of multiple shortcodes in one page.
global $amr_icalno;
if (!(isset($amr_icalno))) $amr_icalno = 0;
else $amr_icalno= $amr_icalno + 1;
if ($amr_icalno == 0) $idnum= '';
else $idnum = $amr_icalno;
$id = ' id="events_wrap'.$idnum.'" ';
return ($id);
Do you have custom code anywhere ?