• I am having an issue on my client’s website where the tables are not stacking correctly. All the headers are stacked before the information in an order that makes it very hard to comprehend. The tables don’t seem to respect whether I put [table responsive=”true”] or [table responsive=”false”]. I have been stumped with this. We are using Easy Bootstrap Shortcode.

    Links to screenshots
    Desktop uncollapsed version: https://tinypic.com/r/21bvd79/9
    Mobile “Responsive” Version: https://tinypic.com/r/4jb86e/9

    My HTML for it looks like this:

    [table width ="100%" style ="" responsive ="false"]
    [th_column]Special Terms[/th_column]
    [th_column]Annual Percentage Yield (APY)[/th_column]
    [th_column]Min. to Open[/th_column]
    [th_column]Min. Balance to Earn APY[/th_column]
    [row_column]5 Year Relationship CD1[/row_column]
    [row_column]27 Month SPECIAL*[/row_column]
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