$table_prefix issue with WP-Cerber 9.5.4
I am just poking around the new WP-Cerber 9.5.4. One of things I did was to run the diagnostic. I’m guessing WP-Cerber ignores $table_prefix for some tables for historical reasons although I do have a brand new and fresh install. Tables <databasename>.<table-prefix>_cerber_files, cerber_sets and cerber_uss all follow the $table_prefix value.
When I run the diagnostic, I get multiple errors in the “Database Info” section with an overall error message “Some minor DB errors were detected”.
The details error messages are saying “table doesn’t exist” yet it does. For example, If I take the offending SQL “SELECT * FROM <table-prefix>_cerber_sets WHERE the_key = “cerberkey” AND the_id = 0″ and copy/paste into WorkBench the Query in fact works correctly without error.I am further concerned about this example SQL “INSERT INTO <table-prefix>_cerber_sets (the_key, the_id, the_value, expires) VALUES (“cerberkey“,0,”a:3:i:0;s:32:\”<removed-for-security>\”;i:1;i:<removed-for-security>;i:4;s:40:\”SK//<removed-for-security>\”;}”,0)” as well.
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