• Here’s what is probably a farfetched idea. I’m thinking of building a TablePress template in Visual Studio (whatever). I think it would speed up my development of the Plugin Option quite a bit. I’ll have a test.html and test.css. The test.html will have a table HTML setup and have all the classes available under TablePress correctly placed in the table components. The test.css will list the classes as shells. I could then edit the CSS file for my desire options and see the changes for any media breakpoint. A huge benefit would be the quick feedback and corrections during the development of a table.

    I’ve already got a mediocre start by watching several tables in DevTools. If this is sensible and you approve the release of all the CSS classes, it would fill out my idea. My toy table maker has been a big help in getting good CSS into TablePress’ Custome CSS.


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  • Plugin Author TobiasBg



    thanks for your post, and sorry for the trouble.

    To be honest, I’m not sure that I fully understand, as I have not used Visual Studio so far.
    But from my side, there’s nothing that speaks against this, so please, go ahead ??

    Best wishes,

    Thread Starter mijstrebor


    Really any editor. I just use VS.

    I would need to build a list of all the CSS classes used in TablePress. I have a number of them even an”exotic” or two. (.tablepress-responsive-stack-phone) But I’d need a list of all the CSS used by TablePress to do a complete job. If this is okay with you, could you DM me the CSS classes or just class names (anything) used by TablePress?

    Aside: To explain how I use this tool, I have three windows open. First my editor with the HTML and CSS, the second one with a browser displaying the HTML, and third the DevTools. As I modify the CSS, I refresh the browser and see the result immediately. I’ll watch the DevTools to see if there’s any redundancy or other simplifications I can make. It very efficient and if the editor has a CSS formater and checker I am sure I get clean code into TablePress.

    Plugin Author TobiasBg



    just check out https://tablepress.org/faq/documentation-css-selectors-styling/ and the CSS file https://github.com/TobiasBg/TablePress/blob/master/css/default.css
    That’s pretty much all CSS that TablePress itself uses. The other one that you mention is from an Extension, you could go through those as well and extract the CSS classes. I don’t have readily usable lists of those.


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