Tablepress sorting dates
On our website we have two tables with dates: “Agenda” on the home page and “dossiers” under “Renovatie wijk”. Our preferred date annotation is dd-mmm-yyyy e.g. 12-sep-2017.
I tried the phrase “columnDefs”: [ { “type”: “date-eu”, “targets”: [ 1 ] } ] on the “Custom Commands” text field in the “Features of the DataTables JavaScript library” section on the “Edit” screen of “Dossiers”.
The date column is the second column. Adding this phrase inhibits sorting the date column by the user.
This however does not solve the sorting problem for “dossiers”.On the home page we use the responsive table plugin in the collapse mode for table “Agenda”. Adding the phrase “columnDefs”: [ { “type”: “date-eu”, “targets”: [ 0 ] } ] does not work either but corrupts the layout of the “Agenda”table as well. You can see the effect on the homepage of (our developer site). For your information: Table “Agenda” has two hidden colums: “Author” and “date of creation of the event”. There is no need to sort this last column.
I followed the instructions of the note “Sorting or other JS functions are not working” but I found no noticeable clues.
We welcome your advice.
Regards Jaap Roos
Debug information:
· Website:
· TablePress: 1.8
· TablePress (DB): 34
· TablePress table scheme: 3
· Plugin installed: 2015/10/07 10:21:59
· WordPress: 4.8.1
· Multisite: no
· PHP: 5.6.31
· mysqli Extension: true
· mySQL (Server): 5.5.5-10.0.29-MariaDB-cll-lve
· mySQL (Client): mysqlnd 5.0.11-dev – 20120503 – $Id: 76b08b24596e12d4553bd41fc93cccd5bac2fe7a $
· ZIP support: yes
· UTF-8 conversion: yes
· WP Memory Limit: 40M
· Server Memory Limit: 256M
· Magic Quotes: off
· WP_DEBUG: false
· WP_POST_REVISIONS: trueThe page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
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