• Resolved Tim Magee


    Good afternoon,

    I am having trouble with Tabby Responsive tabs getting the tabs (3) to line up left to right and next to each other.

    They are simply placed at the top of each of the sections of content that they represent – just like here:

    [tabby title=”First Tab”]

    Tabby ipsum dolor sit amet, kitty sunbathe dolor, feed me.

    [tabby title=”Second Tab”]

    Lay down in your way catnip stuck in a tree, sunbathe kittens.

    [tabby title=”Third Tab”]

    sleep in the sink climb the curtains attack, give me fish.


    My content is fairly long so the tabs are spread out further and further down the page.

    You can see it here:

    Any suggestions?

    Thanks in Advance!

    Tim Magee


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  • Plugin Author cubecolour


    The tabs will not be rendered correctly if there are mismatched opening and closing tags around the tabby shortcodes on the page, so I suspect this might be the cause here.

    Check your page using an HTML validator such as the one at https://validator.w3.org and look for any issues related to incorrectly nested html such as stray opening or closing tags, and correct any you find.

    Thread Starter Tim Magee


    Thank you!


    Plugin Author cubecolour


    It looks better now.

    There is some CSS in your child theme to make ‘pseudo’ bullets on list items which are appearing in the tab titles. To prevent these from appearing, you can add the following to your child theme:

    .responsive-tabs__list li:before {
    display: none;

    Thread Starter Tim Magee


    Dear CubeColor,

    I’m really pleased with your quick and appropriate responses.

    Both solutions worked beautifully.

    No more square bullets in the tabs.

    Thank you!

    5 Stars.

    Tim Magee

    Plugin Author cubecolour


    Thanks Tim. If you would like to leave a rating & review for the plugin, you can do this at https://www.ads-software.com/support/view/plugin-reviews/tabby-responsive-tabs

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