• Resolved mlinnell


    Similar to the issue raised in this other ticket, https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/table-header-on-mobile-is-broken/, my team has noticed that the Tabs block renders the tags <strong></strong> as text when on mobile view. This is an unpublished page and therefore cannot share link directly. Unlike the answer in the other similar ticket, we are not finding that by removing the bold, the text will render in bold anyway. Cheers.

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  • Plugin Support Riza Maulana Ardiyanto


    Hi @mlinnell

    Thanks for using PublishPress Blocks.

    Can you share some link where we can see this behavior please?


    Thread Starter mlinnell


    Hi @rizaardiyanto , unfortunately I can’t as we haven’t used the block on any published pages, nor do we want to if there is a bug. But essentially the <strong></strong> tags are printed on the header as though they are text. Cheers

    Plugin Support Riza Maulana Ardiyanto


    @mlinnell Can you elaborate the step to replicate it?

    Does it just add the Tabs and the issue directly appear? Or do I have to do something specific in order for the issue to arise?


    Thread Starter mlinnell


    Hi @rizaardiyanto – yes, sure thing. We’ve put the Tabs block inside a container with 4 sub tab items. The title on the first tab item, whether bolded or not, reads “<strong>Title</strong>” on a mobile device. Very odd considering none of the other titles appear with this way. In the Inspector View, the div classes “advgb-tabs-panel” > “advgb-tab advgb-tab-active” > then the a tag are all greyed out / inactive.



    Plugin Support Riza Maulana Ardiyanto


    @mlinnell I create a recording on it: https://www.loom.com/share/00c9d8b18ec84bdf92bb7de2d35ed73f

    Can you please let me know what step did I miss?


    Thread Starter mlinnell


    Hi @rizaardiyanto – ah okay I think I know what’s happening. I went into our Editor and just updated the titles to something different, and that removed the <strong></strong> tags from being printed as text. So could be some weird caching thing happening where the previously bolded text is still trying to be bolded. But(!) more importantly, if we want the title text to be bold, and do make it bold in the editor, the <strong></strong> text is being printed in mobile view. Any chance this could be resolved? Cheers

    Plugin Support Riza Maulana Ardiyanto


    @mlinnell Ah thanks for clarifying. After investigation, we found out that it’s known issue. I have created a GitHub issue on this one so our developer can fix this in the future release: https://github.com/publishpress/PublishPress-Blocks/issues/1277

    Thread Starter mlinnell


    Hi @rizaardiyanto – thnx for the quick response and creating the issue in GitHub. We look forward to the fix in the future release. Cheers

    Plugin Support Riza Maulana Ardiyanto


    @mlinnell Thanks for reporting this. We appreciate you using our plugin!

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