A better approach could be to do some troubleshooting as per AO’s FAQ to see if the problem is with JS or CSS and to exclude just the right CSS or JS-files from optimization? ??
Hi, Frank
Actually, the path I chose is not only the “better approach” for me; it is THE BEST APPROACH. I realise that you do not have the full info of my case’s circumstances, and this led you to the conclusion that my chosen approach is sub-optimal.
The theme that I’m using on the site has actually reached end-of-life and will no longer be updated by the developer. This means that I will have to move to another theme soon. So the solution I was seeking was only ever going to be temporary. I wasn’t going to expend more grey cells and time than necessary for this. So, sorry, no CSS, JS, etc troubleshooting for me, thanks.
In fact, the problem was/is the theme, not Autoptimize. But I cannot afford to let go of the theme yet, can I? So Autoptimize it had to be.