• Resolved lyvyoo


    Congrats for the plugin, it was a simple and fantastic solution. And I hope it will ??
    Since yesterday when my plugin has automatically updated, all my 8 tabs worked fine, being always one each other, all closed by default.
    After 1.3.2 update there is a mess in the page, with the tabs in disorder and the first opened by default (Windows 10, Chrome, all updated).
    I checked also from my Android phone with Chrome browser and the situation is a little bit different, meaning tabs aren’t in disorder but the first one is also opened by default. All my tabs were closed by default since yesterday, with an accordion down at pressing the title.
    I noticed the problem before update wordpress to 5.9, just before my system announced me that 1.3.2 was automatically installed. Right now I just have installed 5.9, with no changes for Tabby.
    Please help me, it’s a very important plugin for me!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author cubecolour


    The tabs look pretty much how I would expect a set of tabs using a stock installation of tabby responsive tabs to look. Given the number of tabs on the page and the length of the tab titles, I am guessing that the way the tabs display has been customized somehow.

    Had the version of the plugin’s tabby.css stylesheet on the site been previously edited to change the appearance of the tabs?

    If that is the case, updating the plugin has overwritten those changes, (this will occur if any files of any plugin are edited and that plugin is updated) so you will need to get your edited version from a backup and make the stylesheet load from the theme or a custom plugin to prevent the same issue reocurring.

    If this does not sound like it applies, can you describe how you were expecting the tabs to appear please?

    Thread Starter lyvyoo


    Thanks for the fast reply!
    I don’t have skills for modifying css files, just guided by someone, so the tabby.css file is and was original.

    Just to verify, can you bring me a link with the 1.3.1 version in order to install it and check the old version of the plugin?

    The way that the plugin behaved since yesterday was almost similar with the mobile view right now, excepting the error with the first tab automatically opened. So all my tabs were one beneath another, and closed. Example: https://imgur.com/siPWPMK
    The desktop view right now is like a mess: https://imgur.com/siGUmuq

    I saw in your wordpress presentation of the plugin /screenshots this description: “When the browser width is below the size set in the media query, the tabs are replaced by an accordion.”
    So, maybe you have changed this value in 1.3.2.
    In the same time, maybe I can modify the value of the “size set in the media query” and have the same view like on mobile. But I don’t know how…
    I also want back the situation with all the tabs closed at the first view.
    Thanks for your support!

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by lyvyoo.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by lyvyoo.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by lyvyoo.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by lyvyoo.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by lyvyoo.
    Plugin Author cubecolour


    You can download previous version of the plugin from https://en-gb.www.ads-software.com/plugins/tabby-responsive-tabs/advanced/

    The version that you would have before yesterday’s update should be v1.2.3 – That has been the current version for several years (Ignore versions 1.3.0 and 1.3.1 they were uploaded yesterday but had issues fixed in v1.3.2).

    Am I correct in understanding that before the update, the tab group on your page was shown as an accordion (not tabs) at all page widths and all content sections were closed on initial page load?

    The markup of the tabs and the tabby.css stylesheet in v1.3.2 of the plugin is identical to that in v1.2.3 which is why I am thinking that changes might have been made previously to the stylesheet on your site.

    Did someone else work on your site who *could* have modified the plugin – eg a developer, site integrator, or friend?

    Thread Starter lyvyoo


    I tested right now with 1.2.3 and nothing happened, so I think you are right, maybe the new version wiped something from the past… But I swear, I don’t remember to playing with the values so I’m totally out of mind with this custom, if it was (and I’m the only admin). Please read also my later edit for the post above. Maybe can I play with that size in order to find the solution?

    Regarding your question, yes, you understand correctly, the tab group was shown like an accordion, with all the tabs closed. I saw the accordion even in your presentation on WordPress website – https://ps.w.org/tabby-responsive-tabs/assets/screenshot-02.png?rev=1485141

    So, what is the solution to have back the accordion display (like in link above), in both mobile and desktop view, with all the tabs closed?

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by lyvyoo.
    Plugin Author cubecolour


    To ensure that any changes made will still be in place after the plugin is updated, the solution should not involve directly editing any of the plugin files.

    I would recommend to first go to the new tabby settings page in your WordPress admin at settings-> tabby and uncheck the ‘Include the default tabby stylesheet’ option. This will prevent the default tabby stylesheet from loading.

    Then you would then create a simple plugin with a customized copy of the tabby.css stylesheet enqueue using the cc_tabby hook. The stylesheet can simply have the dimension parameter in the media queries changed to a very large value to force the tabs to always display as an accordion, or you could remove the non-accordion styles completely so that only the accordion styles are used.

    The best way to make the all content sections of the accordion closed on initial page load is to use the ‘tabby load accordion closed’ add-on which is described on the add-ons section of the tabby settings page.

    If you require a custom site-specific add-on combining the customized styles as described plus the ‘load accordion closed’ functionality this can be created for your site – see the ‘Custom styles or functionality’ section on the settings page for details of this service.

    Thread Starter lyvyoo


    Thanks for your help!
    It’s true that I’m not a paid user because I need only a basic function from a tab plugin, just a few tabs one under one, closed by default like this plugin behaved since yesterday for me.

    So, I entered in tabby.js and I replaced:

    @media (min-width: 768px)
    @media (max-width: 767px

    with a big number like 76800px and now I have the accordion back in desktop mode. The stylesheet I will let it as it is because I like it. After each update I will change this values because it’s easier for my poor knowledge than create a new stylesheet.

    If you think that you can write down here the code for viewing the tabs always closed (like my tabs were since yesterday) for sure the users will appreciate your kindness. If not and the secret is object for a paid option, I respect your choice because it’s your work and lifetime spent.


    Plugin Author cubecolour


    Editing the tabby.css stylesheet is not recommended as the stylesheet will always be overwritten whenever the plugin is updated – wiping out any changes made.

    The add-on to make the accordion closed on page load is a fairly simple plugin but it does involve adding some css and javascript to do it properly and in a way that does not get wiped out when the plugin is updated.

    I do provide free support here on the forum for anyone using the plugin as it was designed, but customisation is not within the scope of the free support I am able to provide.

    Thread Starter lyvyoo


    Ok, I understand! The fact that trigger me to ask was the built-in functionality of tabs being closed by default, which worked for me until the last update.
    Usually, I pay for software but honestly the amount of 19 pounds just for a few code lines modified or added (in this style – https://jsfiddle.net/47aSC/6/ ), well I appreciate it being too much for my pocket. For me would not have been a problem to update the code lines after every update, if this cheaper alternative exists.
    I will search for other solutions, regards!

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