• Hello Again,

    Well I’m at the point of ‘fine-tuning’ my new blog. It’s taken me longer than I thought it would but with some teeth gnashing and some help along the way, especially here, I’m close to going live. Some questions tho,

    1) Some of the words in my Tag Cloud turn from black to grey when I hover, but some don’t. Also,

    2) Under the advice of the theme designer, in Theme Editor, I separated link active, visit, and hover, as they were grouped initially. I followed his design in the editor and my configuration looks like his work, I believe it’s ok, but I’m no expert. Also, when I mouse over my ‘links’ they each show underline, but only one turns grey. This is curious stuff as all of the links in the Link editor look alike.

    Also, I use Safari but have Firefox too, and I periodically check to see how I’m doing and the version in Firefox is slightly different, color-wise, from the Safari version. Is this to be expected? OK,

    If anyone has some thoughts please let me know your thinking on this.

    Thank you,
    Tom Dolan

    This is not a deal breaker for me, but if I could improve the continuity I feel my visitor experience will be nicer.

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