• Hi all… I’m getting pretty close to a first release of Taggerati for WordPress. A VERY easy to use but also very complete tags plugin for WordPress. Anyone who can type html tags will be able to use it to it’s full potential. Totally idiot proof but yet powerful (I think ?? )

    The following is done:

    • inline tagging in postings by adding <tag>wordpress</tag> or <tag url="https://www.www.ads-software.com/">wordpress</tag> or even <itag>wordpress</itag> for a tag you don’t want to appear as a link but use as a tag in the posting anyway. It will still appear in the list of tags used in the posting.
    • ZERO maintenance database. Adding or removing tags in your postings? No problem. The database will always stay clean with 100% accuracy and integrity
    • Tag cloud page
    • lists of other posts with tag
    • lists of related tags
    • Single tag overview page with the above mentioned two lists and a sexy Ajax feed fetcher that dynamically fetches headlines from technorati, furl, del.icio.us and 43things
    • probably something that I forgot

    I still plan to integrate Flickr as well but I’m not happy with the way it looks yet so that’s disabled for now. I expect to release a first version within days.

    However some feedback would be appreciated. What do you think? Ideas for improvement?

    You can see it all working here:


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  • will this work with permalinks?

    so that you can have sitetitle.com/tag/something ?

    Thread Starter themarco


    It should, yes! And if it doesn’t yet I’ll make it work. I use get_bloginfo(‘url’) just about everywhere so the non-crufty URL’s should work. They work on Hardened-Trackbacks (another plugin of mine) as well so I expect no problems. You might need to set a mod_rewrite rule though. I’ll dive into this issue as soon as the plugin is fully done. (soon)

    How are you creating egorati (err technorati) tags without providing an obligatory link to technorati tag page?
    Is that by adding fake categories to the rss feed?

    Moderator James Huff


    I’m sorry, but this sounds exactly like Ultimate Tag Warrior. What distinguishes Taggerati from Ultimate Tag Warrior?

    Thread Starter themarco


    Did you look at it? It’s not quite the same thing. The similarities end at the tag cloud thing. Tagging is easier in Taggerati, the database doesn’t require any maintenance and the page you get when clicking a tag is completely different from the one you get in Ultimate Tag Warrior. In UTW you get a list of postings with the tag, in Taggerati you get a page with this list (headings only) but a slew of other things as well: flickr pics with the tag, related tags and a nice Ajax feedreader with which you can check out various tag aggregator sites on the selected tag.


    Thread Starter themarco



    You do not have to link to Technorati. You can link to any web page that ends in a tag – even your own site! For example, these tag links would also be included:

    <a href="https://apple.com/ipod" rel="tag">iPod</a>
    <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravity" rel="tag">Gravity</a>
    <a href="https://flickr.com/photos/tags/chihuahua" rel="tag">Chihuahua</a>

    From: Technorati Help on using Tags

    Moderator James Huff


    Ah, I see now. The various related tag features are nice. But, would you please explain “the database doesn’t require any maintenance”, because as far as I’m concerned UTW’s database doesn’t require any maintenance either, but you seem to be listing it to distinguish between Taggerati and UTW.

    Thread Starter themarco


    Tidy Tags is a scary, scary thing. Make sure you back up your database before clicking the button.

    Tidy Tags will delete any tag<->post associations which have either a deleted tag or deleted post; delete any tags not associated with a post; and merge tags with the same name into single tags.

    From the Ultimate Tag Warrior management page

    This maintenance is done under the hood automatically by Taggerati. There’s nothing to do for the user in terms of tag maintenance. Taggerati doesn’t even have any tags management interface nor changes to the interface in which you write a post because it’s not needed. All you do is create tags in HTML style.

    Thread Starter themarco


    Just to provide some more explanation:

    Sure, one could say ‘There already is a tags extensions, why bother?’. My answer to this question is the following:

    First of all many types of plugins have different incarnations by different authors. Some people install plugin A while others like plugin B better even though they have the same purpose. I once created Taggerati for Pivot and I got quite a lot of people who really wanted a WP version. At first I didn’t feel the need to port it to WP but I changed my mind. Taggerati is NOT the same as Ultimate Tags Warrior. Even though UTW is one hell of a nice and feature-rich plugin I myself wouldn’t install it because of the way it implements tagging and what it shows the user when one clicks a tag. There’s nothing wrong with it, it’s just DIFFERENT from my personal view on how I’d like tagging to work. In the process of porting I managed to improve quite a lot on the original concept for Pivot which resulted in a tags plugin I like even better than the one I’m currently using on my Pivot weblog. After the WP plugin is done I’ll improve the Pivot version as well.

    So in short: If you like my view on how tagging should be implemented, use Taggerati. If you like Christine’s and the enormous amount of features UTW offers, use hers! I like to look at Taggerati as ‘tagging for the masses’ and UTW as ‘tagging for those who want everything’.

    Thread Starter themarco


    Those who dare, please test:


    Moderator James Huff


    Thanks for the explanation. Taggerati does look nice, I’ll give it a shot in a bit.

    With a development build of WP I get the below when trying to save the Taggerati options page:

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class tgr_lastrss in /home/jaseone/public_html/wp-content/plugins/Taggerati/taggerati.php on line 0

    Worked around that and just inserted the option row for the URL (/tags/) in my case into wp_options, aslo as I tacked the rewrite rule onto the existing wordpress ones I now have (I think the RewriteBase negated the need for the ^ character):

    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule tags/(.*)$ ?page_id=271&tag=$1
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php

    Now all I need is a script to update posts searching for my categories and replacing any words that match the categories with <tag>category</tag> or <itag>category</itag>, Hmmm might have to write that a little later, would be fairly simple just loop through the categories and do a simple replace on wp_posts, would just have to be careful to not double up on tags for psots that are already tagged.

    Actually it isn’t that simple is it? I’ll have to think on that one some more…

    Thread Starter themarco


    I plan to add a categories-to-tags converter but I haven’t got around that yet. First I want to iron out all small problems. Don’t go replacing all your categories unless you’re in a hurry ??

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