• It would appear that “tagging” in WordPress is not quite “there” yet. I’ve just spent the last hour trying to get Ultimate Tag Warrior working, finding out that the author has apparently abandoned support at her site, and then finding a host of problems listed here with this plug-in and other tagging plug-ins like it.

    Am I wrong? I’ve “deactivated” it in the meantime, as no tags were appearing in my posts anyway…

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  • I’ve really started fancying this one:


    * Dead easy tagging from within your posts. Create tags linking to the local tags page, external URL’s or tags that don’t appear anywhere in your posting except for the overview of tags used in your posting
    * Zero maintenance database. Don’t worry about adding or deleting tags or posts containing tags. The database takes care of itself automatically.
    * Customizable tag cloud which appears on the tags page but can also be used anywhere else on your blog. You can limit the amount of tags shown like in the example on this site’s sidebar
    * Lists of tags used per-post
    * Lists of posts having the same tag(s)
    * Local tag aggregator pages showing the above mentioned lists, related images from flickr and a sexy Ajax feed-fetcher to surf related links from other sources.
    * Fully configurable local tag page
    * Configurable lists of posts related to tags

    And NO…I don’t have anything to do with the plugin.

    tagging with the help of plugins was great in wordpress prior to 2.1. the upcoming 2.2 release will have native tagging capability.

    Thread Starter jerrypettit


    Ok, I’ll check it out–and look forward to 2.2!


    I’ve been using UTW for quite some time with no issues.

    I’ll admit that reading the (built-in) documentation was very helpful.

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