Thank you for your response. I’m sorry for not understanding the snippet. It is probably clear to more experienced bloggers.
This is what I tested in the validator after it failed:
add_filter( 'tc_tagline_display' , 'my_link_in_tagline');
function my_link_in_tagline() {
global $wp_current_filter;
<?php if ( !in_array( '__navbar' , $wp_current_filter ) ) :?>
<div class="container outside">
<h2 class="site-description">
<?php bloginfo( 'description' ); ?>
<a href="[PUT YOUR URL HERE]" title="[A TITLE]">My link</a>
<?php else : //when hooked on __navbar ?>
<h2 class="span7 inside site-description">
<?php bloginfo( 'description' ); ?>
<a href="[PUT YOUR URL HERE]" title="[A TITLE]">My link</a>
<?php endif; ?>
It is that last } you thought I missed, right?
Sorry, I must be misunderstanding something. Would you please show me exactly where in this code would I put <a href="tel:123-123-1234">123-123-1234</a>
My current tag line is just a phone number, no wording. It appears at top of page. I just want it to be hotlinked for phones. I just want a mobile phone to be able to one click dial. No need for any title or wording like call me.
Thank you for your time and assistance. The customizr theme looks so good on mobile devices. This is the one item I’m struggling with for phones.