• Hi Andrew,

    Got another one, or maybe two, for you and a suggestion.

    I’m in the process of migrating content from Visual Composer framed elements to Tailor framed elements. All this is being done by manually. I notice 1, maybe 2, issues:


    Crayon Syntax Highlighter sections get filtered out of the Tailored content when posts with existing content are tailored. The code/pre sections are replaced with a shortcode that reads [crayon xxxxSOME NUMBERxxxxx]. The actual crayon is then never seen again.


    Tailor elements vanish while old Visual Composer posts are being tailored. This is strange because it happens at an irregular frequency. I begin to edit the content, could be 1 minute, 2 minutes or 5 minutes into revision and boom! Just like that, the content’s gone. Tailor shows no historical event to indicate the vanished Tailor element ever existed.

    Maybe the element does not register with the database so when Tailor auto reloads the page elements the unsaved (being actively edited) element vanishes?

    The funny part is that the element that vanishes is always the one being actively edited and could be older than other elements on the page.

    This could be related to another plugin installed within the site (will test later) or maybe this only happens because historical content already exists within the page prior to being tailored (new posts can be tailored fine in the same site, so far).

    BTW Visual Composer was active on the site but was disabled for posts at the time.

    The Suggestion

    Related to item 2, above. I opted to copy content to a site on a local server then convert it to the Tailor format. Once converted I copied the content from the WP text editor and pasted it into a live site. Tailor does not acknowledge the pasted content has been tailored. Suspected this might be the case but tried anyway and this has lead me to an idea.

    Would it be difficult to add a page content export/import option to Tailor?

    The idea being that users would be able to create tailored content in one site, export the single page while using the Tailor editor then import the page into another site by tailoring a page (or post) and clicking ‘Import Content’ within the Tailor editor?

    Thanks for all your help, Andrew!

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  • Plugin Author Andrew Worsfold


    Hi Lee,

    When using Crayon Syntax Highlighter, the actual saved post content is what you see in Tailor (i.e., [crayon {number}]). I’m not familiar with the Crayon Syntax Highlighter code, so will need to delve deeper to figure out how it works in order to get it to work correctly.

    I will also have to explore what’s going on with Visual Composer in more detail. I must confess having spent exactly zero time testing compatibility with other builders, but will see if I can replicate the issue you’re having.

    Note that the content produced by Tailor is just that – content. The layout meta information is stored as post meta as it’s that which is used to determine if a post has been “Tailored”.

    In terms of importing/exporting – because layout information is just stored as post meta and you should therefore be able to import/export it like any other content. Has that not worked for you? You can also use Templates to import/export elements/groups of elements between pages.


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