• Hello everyone,

    if you are interested in creating a dashboard widget for the single users to see their taken quizzes, you can paste the following code to your functions.php:

     * Add a widget to the dashboard.
     * This function is hooked into the 'wp_dashboard_setup' action below.
    function example_add_dashboard_widgets() {
                     'user_page_dashboard_widget',         // Widget slug.
                     'Personal page',         // Title.
                     'user_page_dashboard_widget_function' // Display function.
    add_action( 'wp_dashboard_setup', 'example_add_dashboard_widgets' );
     * Create the function to output the contents of our Dashboard Widget.
    function user_page_dashboard_widget_function() {
    <h2>Hello <span style="font-weight: bold;"><?php
    $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
    echo $current_user->user_login;
    ?></span> this is your recent activity</h2>
    <br />
    <table style="width:100%">
    	global $wpdb;
    	$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
    	$mail = $current_user->user_email;
    	$mlw_qmn_table_limit = 999;
    	$mlw_qmn_results_count = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT COUNT(result_id) FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "mlw_results WHERE deleted='0' AND email=%s",$mail );
    	if( isset($_GET['mlw_result_page'] ) )
    	   $mlw_qmn_result_page = $_GET['mlw_result_page'] + 1;
    	   $mlw_qmn_result_begin = $mlw_qmn_table_limit * $mlw_qmn_result_page ;
    	   $mlw_qmn_result_page = 0;
    	   $mlw_qmn_result_begin = 0;
    	$mlw_qmn_result_left = $mlw_qmn_results_count - ($mlw_qmn_result_page * $mlw_qmn_table_limit);
    	if (isset($_GET["quiz_id"]) && $_GET["quiz_id"] != "")
    		$mlw_quiz_data = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "mlw_results WHERE deleted='0' AND email=%s AND quiz_id=%d ORDER BY result_id DESC LIMIT %d, %d",$mail, intval($_GET["quiz_id"]), $mlw_qmn_result_begin, $mlw_qmn_table_limit ) );
    		$mlw_quiz_data = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "mlw_results WHERE deleted='0' AND email=%s ORDER BY result_id DESC LIMIT %d, %d",$mail, $mlw_qmn_result_begin, $mlw_qmn_table_limit ) );
    	<h3 style="text-align: center;">Quizzes Taken</h3>
    	$quotes_list = "";
    	$display = "";
    	$alternate = "";
    	foreach($mlw_quiz_data as $mlw_quiz_info) {
    		if($alternate) $alternate = "";
    		else $alternate = " class=\"alternate\"";
    		$quotes_list .= "<tr{$alternate}>";
    		$quotes_list .= "<td>" . $mlw_quiz_info->quiz_name . "</td>";
    		if ($mlw_quiz_info->quiz_system == 0)
    			$quotes_list .= "<td class='post-title column-title'>" . $mlw_quiz_info->correct ." out of ".$mlw_quiz_info->total." or ".$mlw_quiz_info->correct_score."%</td>";
    		if ($mlw_quiz_info->quiz_system == 1)
    			$quotes_list .= "<td>" . $mlw_quiz_info->point_score . " Points</td>";
    		if ($mlw_quiz_info->quiz_system == 2)
    			$quotes_list .= "<td>Not Graded</td>";
    		$quotes_list .= "<td>" . $mlw_quiz_info->time_taken ."</td>";
    		$quotes_list .= "</tr>";
    	if( $mlw_qmn_result_page > 0 )
    	   	$mlw_qmn_previous_page = $mlw_qmn_result_page - 2;
    	   	$display .= "<a id=\"prev_page\" href=\"?page=mlw_quiz_results&&mlw_result_page=$mlw_qmn_previous_page\">Previous $mlw_qmn_table_limit Quizzes</a>";
    	   	if( $mlw_qmn_result_left > $mlw_qmn_table_limit )
    			$display .= "<a id=\"next_page\" href=\"?page=mlw_quiz_results&&mlw_result_page=$mlw_qmn_result_page\">Next $mlw_qmn_table_limit Quizzes</a>";
    	else if( $mlw_qmn_result_page == 0 )
    	   if( $mlw_qmn_result_left > $mlw_qmn_table_limit )
    			$display .= "<a id=\"next_page\" href=\"?page=mlw_quiz_results&&mlw_result_page=$mlw_qmn_result_page\">Next $mlw_qmn_table_limit Quizzes</a>";
    	else if( $mlw_qmn_result_left < $mlw_qmn_table_limit )
    	   $mlw_qmn_previous_page = $mlw_qmn_result_page - 2;
    	   $display .= "<a id=\"prev_page\" href=\"?page=mlw_quiz_results&&mlw_result_page=$mlw_qmn_previous_page\">Previous $mlw_qmn_table_limit Quizzes</a>";
    	$display .= "<table class=\"widefat\">";
    		$display .= "<thead><tr>
    			<th>Quiz Name</th>
    			<th>Time Taken</th>
    		$display .= "<tbody id=\"the-list\">{$quotes_list}</tbody>";
    		$display .= "</table>";
    	echo $display;


Viewing 1 replies (of 1 total)
  • Thread Starter jeegrobot


    Sorry in the previous code there was an useless table

     * Add a widget to the dashboard.
     * This function is hooked into the 'wp_dashboard_setup' action below.
    function example_add_dashboard_widgets() {
                     'user_page_dashboard_widget',         // Widget slug.
                     'Personal page',         // Title.
                     'user_page_dashboard_widget_function' // Display function.
    add_action( 'wp_dashboard_setup', 'example_add_dashboard_widgets' );
     * Create the function to output the contents of our Dashboard Widget.
    function user_page_dashboard_widget_function() {
    <h2>Hello <span style="font-weight: bold;"><?php
    $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
    echo $current_user->user_login;
    ?></span> this is your recent activity</h2>
    <br />
    	global $wpdb;
    	$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
    	$mail = $current_user->user_email;
    	$mlw_qmn_table_limit = 999;
    	$mlw_qmn_results_count = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT COUNT(result_id) FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "mlw_results WHERE deleted='0' AND email=%s",$mail );
    	if( isset($_GET['mlw_result_page'] ) )
    	   $mlw_qmn_result_page = $_GET['mlw_result_page'] + 1;
    	   $mlw_qmn_result_begin = $mlw_qmn_table_limit * $mlw_qmn_result_page ;
    	   $mlw_qmn_result_page = 0;
    	   $mlw_qmn_result_begin = 0;
    	$mlw_qmn_result_left = $mlw_qmn_results_count - ($mlw_qmn_result_page * $mlw_qmn_table_limit);
    	if (isset($_GET["quiz_id"]) && $_GET["quiz_id"] != "")
    		$mlw_quiz_data = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "mlw_results WHERE deleted='0' AND email=%s AND quiz_id=%d ORDER BY result_id DESC LIMIT %d, %d",$mail, intval($_GET["quiz_id"]), $mlw_qmn_result_begin, $mlw_qmn_table_limit ) );
    		$mlw_quiz_data = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "mlw_results WHERE deleted='0' AND email=%s ORDER BY result_id DESC LIMIT %d, %d",$mail, $mlw_qmn_result_begin, $mlw_qmn_table_limit ) );
    	<h3 style="text-align: center;">Quizzes Taken</h3>
    	$quotes_list = "";
    	$display = "";
    	$alternate = "";
    	foreach($mlw_quiz_data as $mlw_quiz_info) {
    		if($alternate) $alternate = "";
    		else $alternate = " class=\"alternate\"";
    		$quotes_list .= "<tr{$alternate}>";
    		$quotes_list .= "<td>" . $mlw_quiz_info->quiz_name . "</td>";
    		if ($mlw_quiz_info->quiz_system == 0)
    			$quotes_list .= "<td class='post-title column-title'>" . $mlw_quiz_info->correct ." out of ".$mlw_quiz_info->total." or ".$mlw_quiz_info->correct_score."%</td>";
    		if ($mlw_quiz_info->quiz_system == 1)
    			$quotes_list .= "<td>" . $mlw_quiz_info->point_score . " Points</td>";
    		if ($mlw_quiz_info->quiz_system == 2)
    			$quotes_list .= "<td>Not Graded</td>";
    		$quotes_list .= "<td>" . $mlw_quiz_info->time_taken ."</td>";
    		$quotes_list .= "</tr>";
    	if( $mlw_qmn_result_page > 0 )
    	   	$mlw_qmn_previous_page = $mlw_qmn_result_page - 2;
    	   	$display .= "<a id=\"prev_page\" href=\"?page=mlw_quiz_results&&mlw_result_page=$mlw_qmn_previous_page\">Previous $mlw_qmn_table_limit Quizzes</a>";
    	   	if( $mlw_qmn_result_left > $mlw_qmn_table_limit )
    			$display .= "<a id=\"next_page\" href=\"?page=mlw_quiz_results&&mlw_result_page=$mlw_qmn_result_page\">Next $mlw_qmn_table_limit Quizzes</a>";
    	else if( $mlw_qmn_result_page == 0 )
    	   if( $mlw_qmn_result_left > $mlw_qmn_table_limit )
    			$display .= "<a id=\"next_page\" href=\"?page=mlw_quiz_results&&mlw_result_page=$mlw_qmn_result_page\">Next $mlw_qmn_table_limit Quizzes</a>";
    	else if( $mlw_qmn_result_left < $mlw_qmn_table_limit )
    	   $mlw_qmn_previous_page = $mlw_qmn_result_page - 2;
    	   $display .= "<a id=\"prev_page\" href=\"?page=mlw_quiz_results&&mlw_result_page=$mlw_qmn_previous_page\">Previous $mlw_qmn_table_limit Quizzes</a>";
    	$display .= "<table class=\"widefat\">";
    		$display .= "<thead><tr>
    			<th>Quiz Name</th>
    			<th>Time Taken</th>
    		$display .= "<tbody id=\"the-list\">{$quotes_list}</tbody>";
    		$display .= "</table>";
    	echo $display;

Viewing 1 replies (of 1 total)
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