Tung, I figured out how why Pipes take up a lot of system’s resources. I set Allow Auto Run to Yes and Cronjob Active to Yes. Every time a user visit my site, pipe runs. So when I run P3 it triggers pipes so… naturally it take up resources. Am I right? I’m guess if I set them to No, my pipes will not run automatically. But other RSS aggregator work with need to have user trigger. So I guess you guy have to find a way to fix it. For now I just run cron job manually in Cpanel.
I went to your other forum nothing there, but I would like to request a function if Pipes don’t have it already. Sometime I don’t want to pull full text but only excerpts and when the use want to read more it will open an iframe and they can read the rest from the source without leaving my site. This is very helpful for my gaming site. I want to email you but can’t find your email yet, but don’t worry I’ll try to contact you at your site somehow.
Keep up the good works guys.