• Resolved Thor Sarup


    I can’t get it to appear correctly in the meta box with all taxonomy names – but when saved it doesn’t appear in my database (custom fields) at all? It’s almost the same as in the demo. Why?

    // TAXONOMY (woocommerce product attribute)
    						'name'    => 'get attribute',
    						'id'      => "{$prefix}sciname",
    						'type'    => 'taxonomy',
    						'options' => array (
    							'taxonomy' => 'pa_scientific-name', // Taxonomy name
    							'type'     => 'checkbox_list', // How to show taxonomy: 'checkbox_list' (default) or 'checkbox_tree', 'select_tree', select_advanced or 'select'. Optional
    							'args'     => array(
    							) // Additional arguments for get_terms() function. Optional


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  • Thread Starter Thor Sarup



    Plugin Author Anh Tran



    The “taxonomy” field doesn’t save any value in the database. Instead of that, it sets post terms.

    If you want to save terms in database, you can use field “taxonomy_advanced” field. This field saves terms as a comma separated list.

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