• Resolved michaellawrence


    Hi, I have a page that is querying a custom taxonomy, “magazine”.

    The code below lists ALL my taxonomies, in the correct order, but I want to just show ONE, even though I have it set to showposts = 1, it shows all. What am I doing wrong?

        $tax = 'magazine';
        $tax_args = array(
          'orderby' => 'ID',
          'order' => 'DESC',
        $magazines = get_terms( $tax, $tax_args );
        foreach($magazines as $magazine) {
          $editions = new WP_Query(array(
            'term' => $magazine->slug
          $link = get_term_link(intval($magazine->term_id),'magazine');
          $image_url = get_template_directory_uri();
          $magazineimage = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_field('magazine_taxonomy_image', $magazine->taxonomy.'_'.$magazine->term_id), 'full');
          echo "<div class='news-item-wrapper'>";
            echo "<div class='news-item'>";
              echo '<div class="post-image" style="background-image:url('.$magazineimage[0].');">';
                echo "<a href=\"{$link}\" title='{$magazine->name}'>";
                  echo '<img src="'.$image_url.'/dist/images/blank-image-magazine.gif" alt="'.$magazine->name.'" class="placeholder" />';
                echo "</a>";
              echo "</div>";
              echo "<header>";
                echo "<h2 class='entry-title'><a href=\"{$link}\" title='{$magazine->name}'>{$magazine->name}</a></h2>";
              echo "</header>";
            echo "</div>";
          echo "</div>";
Viewing 1 replies (of 1 total)
  • Thread Starter michaellawrence


    I am an idiot. The codex is clear (just do ‘number’ => 1

        $tax = 'magazine';
        $tax_args = array(
          'orderby' => 'ID',
          'order' => 'DESC',
          'number' => 1
        $magazines = get_terms( $tax, $tax_args );
        foreach($magazines as $magazine) {
          $editions = new WP_Query(array(
            'term' => $magazine->slug
          $link = get_term_link(intval($magazine->term_id),'magazine');
          $image_url = get_template_directory_uri();
          $magazineimage = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_field('magazine_taxonomy_image', $magazine->taxonomy.'_'.$magazine->term_id), 'full');
          echo "<div class='news-item-wrapper'>";
            echo "<div class='news-item'>";
              echo '<div class="post-image" style="background-image:url('.$magazineimage[0].');">';
                echo "<a href=\"{$link}\" title='{$magazine->name}'>";
                  echo '<img src="'.$image_url.'/dist/images/blank-image-magazine.gif" alt="'.$magazine->name.'" class="placeholder" />';
                echo "</a>";
              echo "</div>";
              echo "<header>";
                echo "<h2 class='entry-title'><a href=\"{$link}\" title='{$magazine->name}'>{$magazine->name}</a></h2>";
              echo "</header>";
            echo "</div>";
          echo "</div>";
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