• (First) review of the current Version 1.1: I’ll give it 5 points as it is a new plugin. With a great concept (replacing WP_Query with all options to query Elasticsearch) and a very capable team.
    But currently a lot of potential “to make the internet/wordpress even more better for everyone” is lost by only being administered/monitored on the Command Line.

    + Good Concept/Idea
    + Basically Works afters setup (and having to dig on the CLI)
    + Very good Team (and Company)
    + Clean Code/Engineered

    + Uses its own implementation (and not a third party library for connection to Elasticsearch). Hard to say this is wated effort.

    – Completely Intransparent: You just do not know, if the everything is OK. After installing you just simply see nothing, (no Admin Status Page). My first plugin seen without any Admin PAge. That really confuses. To check if everything is working you have to use the Command line interface (which is currently not documented on the wordpress page). A Status Page would be a big step forward to a better usability.

    – Only CLI: CLI is great for things you do very often. And then CLI provides you the option to script them. This is where a CLI is super. But not for Stuff you do once in a while, having to remember Cryptic Commands. At least INdexing/Reindexing shoud be a button available in the WP Admin Backend.

    @10up DEvelopment team: Improvment Ideas:

    1.) Please add the information on https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/elasticpress/installation/ how to query the status (after installing, to see everthing is OK).
    This allows allows a newbei ad least to see, that everything is working and the install was successfull
    #php wp-cli.phar elasticpress status
    #php wp-cli.phar elasticpress stats

    2.) Add a very simple Plugin Admn page (this is only a few lines of code but will improve the Plugin exorbitantly). The methods are there already:
    – Print: The connection Status to Elasticsearch
    – Print: The Current List of Post Types that are send to Elastic Search (Yeah, now digging trough the whole code I know all public types, but then the next question is, which are public, in case a plugin installs an new CPT). This is very helpful information.
    – Print: as stated unter 1.) the “status” and “stats”
    – Print: A notice of some of the CLI Commands that are used quite often. So you do not have to look them up and you are always aware that you have to go to the CLI
    – Optionally: Provide an Index/Reindex Button (Would be a great help)
    – Optionally: PRovide the Elastic Host URL also via an input Field. => IDea is to have the most important settings (this is not much) directly in the backend.

    3.) Please state on https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/elasticpress/ the following information (I had to go through the whole code to get this information, this is absolutely vital):
    – Supports Custom Post Types: Elasticpress will send all CUstom Post Types, that are public, to Elastichsearch for indexing!
    – Support (Custom) Meta Fields: Elasticpress will send all Metafields associated to a Post, to Elastichsearch for indexing! (the internal/hidden ones, that start with underscore _XXXXX are excluded.)
    – Support (Custom) Taxonomies: Elasticpress will send all Custom Taxonomies associated to a Post, to Elastichsearch for indexing!

    4.) Nice to have (CLI is OK, better is Admin interface)
    – Selection which CUstom Fields/Custom Taxonimies/Custom Posttypes to send to Elasticsearch
    – Weighting of the Fields/Attributes in Search results
    – Debugging(!!!) Would be great to have an option that logs everything to the debug bar (I have seen that 10up has already offered a cool plugin for cron)

    So thanks guys for the great plugin (even though for a newbie its hard to get started…)

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  • remedy17


    Plugin authors, Please thank iamwordimpressed for this thoughtful feedback. Also an we expect ongoing improvements to this plugin?

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