• I was just curious what the thinking behind putting Google on the dashboard of 2.3 versus Technorati? Is Google better or what? I assume it must have been for some good reason or another and wondered what the rational was.

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  • Thread Starter doc_holiday


    I guess no one knows!

    I think this feature is rubbish. Think of Technorati what you will, but at least when Technorati was there you got an updated list of who has linked to your Blog, which is useful…Google may be a better search engine, but it doesn’t keep a record of all the sites that link to you…which should be the purpose of that feature…rubbish! Just about worth downgrading because of this blunder alone!

    I can’t believe more people aren’t bothered by this. Now you have to actually visit technorati to find out who is linking to you…a key part of blogging…right?

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    Now you have to actually visit technorati to find out who is linking to you…a key part of blogging…right?

    No, the new feature uses Google Blogsearch, and it shows who is linking to you quite well. What WordPress is getting from Google is a list of sites that have linked to you, in reverse timestamp order. Click the “More>>” link to see what search it does.

    Frankly, the results that Technorati gives are rubbish, like 50% of the time when I click on the link it gives, my site isn’t linked from that site at all. And sites that I know have linked to me don’t show up in Technorati because it only gets a very small subset of other sites information anyway. That’s when it worked at all, of course, because Technorati’s servers are down or broken most of the time anyway.

    WordPress.com switched to using Google for this sort of thing a while back, and it works very well. So it got moved into the main core. Which is fine, since I was using it anyway before that by manually hacking the files.

    Big, big thumbs up to this change. Technorati is useless.

    FWIW, yes, I pushed for this change and uploaded the patches that implemented it to trac. So I’m for it, you might say.

    Otto42 – I don’t know what google shows for you, but for me if shows only 7 links for my fairly new blog, where as technorati shows 90 odd. If someone writes about an article of mine, I want to know about it, technorati shows that. For me right now google is showing nothing useful at all!

    I don’t know what you are talking about. The technorati dashboard feature showed me updated, recent links into my blog that changed frequently and were very accurate. Google’s list hasn’t changed since I upgraded to 2.3, and most of the links it shows me are from within my own blog, referencing older posts.

    No offense, but I think Google is the one that is useless.

    There is another upside to this .. how many useless posts were there to this very forum when technorati took a dump for one reason or another? Hundreds?


    Dont use either, so I dont care, but it will be nice to not see those posts again.

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