• I was running WP 2.6 on 4 blogs, and using /%category%/%postname%/ as my custom permalink structure and a static home page, with blog posts going to another page called “weblog”

    i upgraded all 4 blogs to 2.7 and now my /%category%/%postname%/ structure will not work, i get 404 errors on every page and post – even when they appear in the archive and catagory links in the sidebar

    I even tried a completely new installation, and before I imported my data bvack in i tested the /%category%/%postname%/ structure and it doesn’t work.. 404 errors constantly.

    I can only get the lnks to work if i choose the default permalink structure and that is not desirable

    can anyone help? please?

    much appreciated . JF

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  • No problem… I hope this gets corrected for you soon.



    If you have access to your apache webserver try looking at the modules. Your rewrite module may not be enabled thus giving you that error.

    The same problem happened

    Mod rewrite enabled

    .htaccess file
    # BEGIN WordPress
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
    # END WordPress

    permalink structure

    I have 7 categories

    and it happening only in this case


    if so I getting 404Error

    when paged without category all work properly e.g.

    I found reason for this – in my case this plugin Seo-Without-Category it seems incompatible with 2.7 if you disable this plugin its will work https://www.domain.com/category/somecategories/page/2/

    Mayby somebody know how to edit code below to get work in 2.7

    function seocategorydel($catlink1) {
    $catlink1 = str_replace(‘/category’, ”, $catlink1);
    return $catlink1;
    add_filter(‘category_link’, ‘seocategorydel’, 1, 1);

    or this one


    //-> Remove “category/” from the URL string
    function kill_category_base($string) {
    $string = str_replace(‘category/’, ”, $string);
    return $string;

    add_filter(‘category_link’, ‘kill_category_base’);

    I’m having the same problem with 2.7.1
    I’ve tried the “Fix Paging in Category Listings” plugin but that was no help.
    The quick word around I put in place was to add in a Category base, the URL’s aren’t so pretty, but the addition of a category base seems to fix the problem when paginating (ie is ‘page’ a post or a querystring parameter??).

    eg Permalink structure:
    Category base:
    Resulting Paged URL:

    …weirdly further testing has shown that once I’ve added the Category base, URLs without it are now working eg https://…/portfolio/page/2/ – yet the .htaccess code remains unchanged.


    I’ve been having the same problem — on my development system.

    The system I am working on is my laptop and has undergone quite a bit of change of late. I have been reinstalling the system on a regular basis, I think I have a stable system now. I have a custom compiled version of apache 2.2.11 with PHP 5.2.9 and openssl 0.9.8k. I compiled apache with –enable-so –enable-ssl –enable-rewrite options (and a few others).

    In any event, prior my last sys install I had WP and the rewriting working just nice. However, I can not be 100% certain as to which httpd was running (my version or the stock Slackware version).

    Now, on my test site, the rewrite works fine (which is online). In fact, one attempt at getting this to work started by copying ALL files and the database from the test site to my development system, as well as clean installs.

    The url I am trying to access: https://www.framnettt.net/join/
    the the line that shows up in the error log:
    [Fri May 08 14:41:32 2009] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/weaver/group/public_html/join, referer: https://www.framnettt.net/.

    Where my Doc root is /home/weaver/group/public_html.

    Yes, I have worked the .htaccess approach to no avail.

    Is this problem happens while local development?

    I used to have the same problem with wamp. It is because of the directory permissions, If its under wamp, go to apache, apache modules, and check rewrite modules.

    This solved me the problem. I guess, it actually updated the apache configuration and enabled rewriting to htaaccess file. But, I really don’t know how, It worked ??

    I just rolled the site I was working on out to production and redirects work fine there. I’ll have to compare & contrast file owners & permissions. I had some other problems caused by using the main wordpress UID for custom PHP & MySQL access. I don’t suspect that is the problem, we’ll see.

    I posted this in another forum where I saw people having the same issue.

    I had read the posts here trying to resolve my issue, so figured I would share here too. In case more people have issues like these

    For anyone stumbling with this same issue. I finally resolved mine

    I figured I would share

    I had the same issue when trying to pretty up my posts.

    I installed a plugin in called Advanced Permalinks

    https:// urbangiraffe.com/ plugins/ advanced-permalinks/
    (remove the spaces to visit the link)

    Once installed I tried to get

    /%year%/%category%/%postname%/ to work and kept getting the dreaded 404 page, for categories though pages were ok.

    I tried all the tricks I found then finally I tried someting on the Permalink Settings

    Category base I put the word category in this and bingo! all works great! Any word you put will come after the year and before the post name

    Hope this helps someone ??

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