• Resolved elcuervo0589


    Hello. The search prediction stopped working and the displayed results template changed. Is there any way to solve it?

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by elcuervo0589.
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  • Plugin Support Kris


    Hi @elcuervo0589

    What theme are you using? Do you use page builder?

    Check the browser inspector for any JS errors in the Console tab. You can get there by clicking F12 or the right mouse button -> inspect (see screenshot: https://prnt.sc/Q3Lz2fz0efaF).

    Sometimes CSS and JS minfiner plugins can cause such problems. If you use it, check in the settings if you have minification turned on, temporarily turn it off, clear the cache, and check again if the search works properly.

    if it’s not a caching plugin issue, check other plugins. They can cause conflict. Disable each one except FiboSearch and WooCommerce until the search works. Also try changing the theme temporarily, e.g. to Storefront.

    Let me know if any of these actions will indicate the initial cause of the error.


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