• Resolved ianarmstrong


    Help me out here, I must have misunderstood the directions on your site.

    In my child theme, I am replacing this file:

    So I have built this structure in the child theme:

    Yet when I output the templates being used:

    function thelist() {
        $included_files = get_included_files();
        $stylesheet_dir = str_replace( '\\', '/', get_stylesheet_directory() );
        $template_dir   = str_replace( '\\', '/', get_template_directory() );
        echo '<h3 class="debugtitle">Theme file templates used in this page</h3>';
        foreach ( $included_files as $key => $path ) {
            $path   = str_replace( '\\', '/', $path );
            if ( false === strpos( $path, $stylesheet_dir ) && false === strpos( $path, $template_dir ) )
                unset( $included_files[$key] );
            if(strpos($path, '/wp-content/plugins/real-estate-listing-realtyna-wpl/views/') == true || strpos($path, '/wp-content/themes/sunbelt/wplhtml/') == true) {
                echo "<li>" . $key." = ". $path."</li>";
        echo '</ul>';

    I get:

    Theme file templates used in this page
    383 = /path/to/plugins/real-estate-listing-realtyna-wpl/views/frontend/property_listing/wpl_main.php
    401 = /path/to/plugins/real-estate-listing-realtyna-wpl/views/frontend/property_listing/tmpl/default.php
    402 = /path/to/plugins/real-estate-listing-realtyna-wpl/views/frontend/property_listing/tmpl/scripts/js.php
    403 = /path/to/plugins/real-estate-listing-realtyna-wpl/views/basics/sorts/property_listing.php
    404 = /path/to/plugins/real-estate-listing-realtyna-wpl/views/activities/listing_gallery/main.php
    405 = /path/to/plugins/real-estate-listing-realtyna-wpl/views/activities/listing_gallery/tmpl/default.php
    406 = /path/to/plugins/real-estate-listing-realtyna-wpl/views/activities/listing_gallery/tmpl/scripts/default.php
    409 = /path/to/plugins/real-estate-listing-realtyna-wpl/views/basics/separator/default.php

    In other words, the plugin is not registering the override. Based on the || statement in my output, if the file was overriding, the theme version would appear in this list. This confirms when I attempt to add test text as well (no change registered).

    I need a second set of eyeballs on this. Help me out?


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  • Plugin Author Realtyna



    It seems something is wrong on your templates.
    We overrode 2 of WPL default files in our theme and ran your function. Here are the results:

    Theme file templates used in this page
    161 = path/to/plugins/real-estate-listing-realtyna-wpl/views/frontend/property_listing/wpl_main.php
    174 = path/to/themes/wpl_twentyeight/wplhtml/frontend/property_listing/default.php
    175 = path/to/plugins/real-estate-listing-realtyna-wpl/views/frontend/property_listing/tmpl/scripts/js.php
    176 = path/to/plugins/real-estate-listing-realtyna-wpl/views/activities/googlemap/main.php
    177 = path/to/plugins/real-estate-listing-realtyna-wpl/views/activities/googlemap/tmpl/default.php
    178 = path/to/plugins/real-estate-listing-realtyna-wpl/views/activities/googlemap/tmpl/scripts/js.php
    179 = path/to/plugins/real-estate-listing-realtyna-wpl/views/activities/googlemap/tmpl/scripts/default.php
    180 = path/to/plugins/real-estate-listing-realtyna-wpl/views/basics/sorts/property_listing.php
    181 = path/to/plugins/real-estate-listing-realtyna-wpl/views/activities/listing_gallery/main.php
    182 = path/to/themes/wpl_twentyeight/wplhtml/activities/listing_gallery/default.php
    183 = path/to/plugins/real-estate-listing-realtyna-wpl/views/activities/listing_gallery/tmpl/scripts/default.php

    Your sunbelt theme must be activated. If sunbelt is a child theme it must have “-child” at the end of its name. For example it should be sunbelt-child

    Realtyna support team

    Thread Starter ianarmstrong


    That’s the part I missed – adding the -child to the end. Thanks!

    Thread Starter ianarmstrong


    This appears to have had no affect. I have no idea why the path isn’t letting it override.

    Thread Starter ianarmstrong


    Scratch that, got it

    I want to override the head.php and possibly use my own functions file.
    If I place head.php in my child theme the change isn’t reflected.
    The path i’m placing the head.php file is wpl_twenteight-child/wpl
    ive tried wpl_twenteight-child/ as well

    If I edit the head.php file in the parent theme that change is reflected.
    Sorry if it seems a silly question

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