• Resolved Loc Pham


    Is there template functions to retrieve counter information? I’m developing application that uses REST to talk to wordpress. My app needs to retrieve information relating to ratings for topics and replies.
    I’m interest in the following information:
    1. Get the like/dislike count for a specific topic or reply.
    2. Check if the user currently likes/dislikes a specific topic or reply.
    3. Get a list of topics or posts sorted on like/dislike counts.
    4. Setter for likes/dislike for a specific post or reply.

    I’d appreciate any tip on how I can retrieve/set these data.


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  • Plugin Author Alex Alexandru


    Code tag failed
    Here is the post again


    $post_id = 1;


    $post_id = 1;
    $user_id = 1;
    $array = get_post_meta($post_id,'vortex_system_user_'.$user_id.'',true);
    if($array != ""){
       if($array['liked'] == "noliked"){
          echo "You like the post with id ".$post_id."";
         }elseif($array['disliked'] == "nodisliked"){
            echo "You dislike the post with id ".$post_id."";

    3.Use a custom wordpress query and add those args

    'orderby'	=> 'meta_value_num',
    'meta_key'	=> 'vortex_system_likes',

    4. Go to your post(in wp-admin) -> Screen Optios -> Check Custom fields
    You should see vortex_system_likes and dislikes
    Let me know if is ok

    Plugin Author Alex Alexandru


    4.It looks like bbpress doesn’t show custom fields you can modify it manually in the database.

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