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  • Thread Starter kdaniele


    I think some of these post have gotten off the topic. I did not want to start a debate nore did I want to have anyone criticize the templates. I wanted a solution to a problem- Craig and Tony understood that- and I thank them.
    I am not a web designer. I havce designed web pages and I have used CSS, but I am not a web designer. I used templates because I am a writer and did not want to waste time on the design when that is not my forte. I write…that is why I have a blog. Not to show off my design skills. If the templates are confusing, yes that should be discussed, but there should not be any personal attacks on the template designers….
    Let’s focus on the questions posted…PLEASE.



    With the limited knowledge and experience I have with CSS, I know that I have helped to teach more about CSS than any anonymous poster who has plenty to say but nothing to contribute.



    @kdaniele – sorry things got off topic, and the “rants” have had nothing to do with you. Things have been getting a bit touchy around here lately, must be something in the ethers, I see it everyewhere I go. Anonymous flamed the group by suggesting than we are less than professional because as volunteers, we don’t know our arse or what the heck we are talking about. But then the poster 1) never came back, or 2) offered any solution and 3) was proly only trying to promote their own site (which is nothing more than a collection of links.)



    TG: where did you find the link to Anon’s site because I am honestly interested in checking it out & picking holes in it ??



    LAst para… “www.” … but there’s a space (convineint [sic]) try this:
    Addendum: D’oh! I see that MDV beat me to it…


    To be brief: I believe the kindest, most honest, and efficient way to deal with a newcomers query is to direct them to an authoriative source as rapidly as possible. I do not mind either explaining how to build a css layout or indeed providing a template. But as my templates have themselves been taken from places where they know what they are doing what is the point. I know how they work. I know how to change them. I could write one from scratch. I understand which template does what and where to use it. But why not send people rapidly on their way to real centres of excellence with resources and tutorials? What I will not do here is offer templates of any description without stating the specification which it is alleged to meet. Nor would I presume to assume to understand the posters spec. It is a fact the div height tag is css2 and is not universally supported. Furthermore that is the tech starting point for the gymnastics we then need to perform in css layout. If you punt it off your site maybe that should be pointed out. I also think if people are going to put MS JavaScript functions in their css and offer to supply them as well it might be polite to mention it. Plus: tcervo’s code looks like the schematic for chinese fire drill. nemesis is obviously not my site. I wish it was:-) (Not the anon.)


    Kristina :- You do not understand why css does not work on some browsers? Heck nor does anybody.!Life would be a lot simpler if it not only worked but worked in the same way. People here do not wish to even seem unhelpful but a quick fix with out all the geek speak which strictly might be necessary to explain that advice can sometimes fix one problem and cause another. Using a good template from a good site is definitely the way to go. But encouraging though we are; we can not pretend css is easy to start with. Perversely the better you are at the “old” ways the harder you may find it. Don’t worry. We are rooting for you.


    Another Design Question:
    If I create a CSS file, does my Index.php file have to include everything that is in the Word Press default index.php I am so lost. I have a css file, and an HTML version of what I want my blog to look like. How do I convert it to PHP and include the necessary code to make the blog work?
    Thanks again,



    I already looked at that nemesis site and it was a resource with info on CSS, obviously not a personal site, so I thought you guys had access to some info I didn’t ??
    @anon: any chance of getting a REAL link?
    @kristina: I’m too busy right now to recode your template, maybe Craig can help?


    Kristina, this is Houston. index.php contains the content for the site. Most of that but not all comes from mysql. It is called by php. That content is *marked* up in xhtml. At this early stage there should be no need to alter anything there at all unless you really want/need to. If you leave it for the time being at least you/we know where the issues are. The css file meanwhile contains the *styling* instructions to each of the tags in the xhtml. Critically for you to understand this also includes anything to do with even basic positioning of the content. It does not repeat or contain anymore content/xhtml. However (please do not get confused) the style css *may* as an alternative be located in the head of index.php. This is a *good idea* in beta testing. That means you are only editing one doc to start and we can see what the heck you are up to!! However those two sections are going to be separate they must not get muddled. What may be confusing you then is that for the site to run *normally* you have got two files not one. If you can do this we can really help. If you can’t then post again for more detailed instructions on putting the style in the index for the time being. If all else fails install a fresh index.php and ask for help here before you alter it. Hope to hear from you. Good Luck.

    yes i got it
    1) unzip into wordpress folder, all folders including images should be unzip into root e.g .
    2)rename wp-layout.css to another name
    3)rename style.css (the file that extracted from to wp-layout.css
    Thats all folk!
    visit : or

    I am sorry if the question has already been asked. I just happen to be a newbie :-).
    Where can I download one of Alex’s CSS files?
    I appreciate your help.
    Courious George

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