Template image not showing in tab (if i use Cloudfront and S3)
Hi! In this weekend i set my host to upload images in Amazon S3 bucket and Cloudfront configuration for CDN. For web stories images and image tab its fine and show the images, but in the template tab not show the new images from new templates.
I was tring to find CORS configuration in Cloudfront and not locate this. I need to set and specific configuration? In browser the template image its blocked.
The template image:
In browser shows:
cross-origin-resource-policy Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy: same-siteChoose this option if the resource and the document are served from the same site. Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy: cross-originOnly choose this option if an arbitrary website including this resource does not impose a security risk.
Image with network image list (other images its fine because its hosted in same server)
In editor the imagens (in S3 and Cloudfront CND) its fine:
Other images from my site:
I don’t know its this error its from cache. I tried to invalidate and not working. And i tried to create a behavior but not working too.
Thanks in Advanced and sorry for my bad english.
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