Fixed, but I have more/other issues. I tried what you said and it didn’t work, so I deactivated and reactivated the plugin, and that seems to have fixed it.
Thank you! My other issues may or may not actually be from the plugin, but I’m hoping they’re easy fixes.
If you don’t mind answering my other issues here:
-Main page of comic shows the latest page, perfect, no problem there.
-When you click the “back” arrow, it refreshes the page but doesn’t go to the next page back (in other words, it just refreshes the main page).
-if I manually enter (copy/paste) the URL from the editor, it goes back to the webcomic main page
-When you click the “first” arrow to go to the first comic, it goes to the correct URL, but gives a 404 error.
I tried adding an additional new page, same issues but now the latest page shows on the main webcomic page.
Does this sound like a bad WordPress install? Or is this a plugin issue?