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  • @edoherto,

    I’d have to look at the code you have for outputting the category to get a better idea of what may be going wrong.

    The archive template in your theme is displaying the map behind the posts because the posts are actually laid out via Masonry. You may need to utilize the stamp method to get the map to display properly in this use case. That, or you may need to change where the map is output within your template.

    For the code to modify the slug, where did you place it? Assuming you placed in a suitable location, it may require some debugging to determine why it isn’t working.

    The Stellar Places plugin tries to use smart defaults, but obviously we can’t account for all use cases and theme implementations. I’m sorry you’ve run into so many issues with it, but I’d be glad to take a closer look beyond this forum if need be. You can get in touch by clicking my name next to my avatar on the left and using the contact form. If there is anything we can resolve here, it would be best for users who may run into similar issues, but sometimes we have to take a closer look to really get to the bottom of an issue.

    Thread Starter edoherto


    Hi, Micah, thanks for the fast response.

    The code my template uses for displaying the category is this one:

    // Category Name
    	if ( is_single() ) {
    		if ( $ti_option['single_post_cat_name'] == true ) {
    			echo '<span class="entry-category">'; the_category(', '); echo '</span>';
    	} else {
    		echo '<span class="entry-category">'; the_category(', '); echo '</span>';

    Although I have tried this too, with no result:

    <?php the_category(); ?>

    For the other problem (the map displaying in the same container as the posts within the Archive/Category page), the code I found was this:

    get_template_part( 'content', 'post' );

    So I have no idea why the map gets printed before this line in my template. Maybe you are applying a filter?

    Latest, the slug problem happens even with the code -that I posted in my first comment- in functions.php.

    Thanks in advance!!!!

    PS: the theme I am using is SimpleMag.


    the_category() only applies to posts by default and uses the built-in category taxonomy. The Stellar Places locations use a custom taxonomy called stlr_location_categories. You may find this thread helpful:

    Here is the code responsible for outputting the map above the posts on the archive page:

    However, in your case, it appears that something is causing it to display below the posts. Perhaps a styling issue?

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