Alright, why it’s working now, I have no idea, but I went back and rewrote all the templates for the pages, the home.php and the header.php.
Anyway, here is what my new title tag looks like:
<? bloginfo('name'); if(is_home()) { echo ': home'; } elseif(is_single()) { echo ': journal:'; echo strtolower(wp_title('', 0)); } else { echo ':'; echo strtolower(wp_title('', 0)); } ?>
For all of you out there who aren’t coders, this is what it does:
This goes in the title tag.
1) Prints the name of the blog
2) If it is the homepage, it appends ‘: home’ to the end of the title tag, so now the home page looks like: sitename: home
3) If it is not the home page, but it is a single blog post (see: is_single()), it will append ‘: journal:’ and the post name to the end of the title after the blog name has printed so it looks like: sitename: journal: post title
. The strtolower also takes the title of the post and converts it to all lowercase, just for aesthetics.
4) If the parameters dont match any of the above circumstances, then, just return the title of the page after it has been converted into lowercase.
Anyway, thanks for your help.