• Hi TT5

    I have pointed my child theme over to TT5 as parent (previously TT4). Back in the day I copy pasted TT4 templates into child theme. So overwriting was going on. I am now in the process of changing child temps to custom templates so that TT5 templates shows in editor. And this they do not?????

    1. Child: I have renamed index.html and home.html. I have also declared home.html in child theme.json. TT5 home.html does not show in editor. Why? I do see my custom stuff but nothing from TT5. I have “customised” 404 also and I see that this template does exist in TT5, so it should show in editor or not? This is sort of the manual I follow. Is it up-to-date?
    2. Do I need to declare custom parts and patterns in child theme.json also and how would I do that? Theme stuff should show in editor if not overwritten, correct?

    Seeing no progress on these struggles and finding zero to no answer anywhere is seriously becoming frustrating. I simply need to see something work and understand why it doesn’t. Yes I have asked in developing WP, fixing WP over and over and I am getting nowhere.


    1. Adding custom templates appears to be an extremely file fiddling way. Why is there no duplicate template in editor that will generate new file under new name and new slug and place it in my case in child theme. I sincerely think you are asking for disaster to have people working in default templates, only to loose everything at theme change. Should the accident happen where default are edited, then by duplicate, you get to keep that work in the new theme. Changing theme is simply to cumbersome as it is today, and there a child theme becomes obligatory.
    2. When entering editor the frontpage loads. And for most sites that’s the most heavy load of all, meaning slow. Leaving the editor and jumping back in you again experience a very slow load. I highly recommend that editor is more a navigator to what you want to do, and not a load of the site’s front page.

    I would really appreciate if my template issues get some attention. I can imagine a lot of people struggle with this in a child theme and documentation is simply not covering this setup. If you as TT5 support do not know, then maybe you know TT5 developers that do!

Viewing 14 replies - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)
  • Hi
    Yes I agree this is unnecessary difficult to troubleshoot, even more so without access to the theme and the database.

    1:1 There are few things that could be going on:

    1. You may have changes saved in the database:
      When a template is edited in the Site Editor, the change is saved in the database, not the theme files. WordPress uses the templates from the database first, then the child theme, then the parent.
    2. The items could be cached. Have you enabled the theme development mode?
      If you make a new change to the home templates html files of TT5 and the child theme, do either of the changes show in the Site Editor?

    The only patterns that need to be added to any theme.json are remote patterns, pattern slugs from the www.ads-software.com pattern directory.

    Template parts work even if they are never added to any theme.json.
    Template parts added to theme.json have an area (such as header, footer) and a visible “human readable” label.
    Template parts that are not added to theme.json show with the first part of the file name as the label.
    A template part added in the parts folder of the child theme, that is not in theme.json, is listed
    in Appearance > Editor > Patterns > General and Appearance > Editor > Patterns > All template parts.

    Why is there no duplicate template option, and loosing everything on theme change is a disaster.
    The contributors who are working on the editor are aware that the template management must improve. The duplicate option is planned, but was not completed in time for WordPress 6.7.

    When you create a template or template part in the Site Editor, it is not saved to the file, it is saved as an entry in the database. Today, the entry is saved with the slug of the active theme. When that theme is changed, the template is not available.
    The changes I mentioned are planned to solve this, but they are under development and I don’t want to say anything that may sound like a promise or decision. Technical details and discussion.

    2:2 The Site Editor should not open to the homepage
    There are two primary access points: The link from the WordPress toolbar on the front of the site, which opens the current template (If you are viewing a post, it will open the post template) and Appearance > Editor that will open the home/index/front-page.
    The current discussions about this are leaning towards both links opening the home/index/frontpage page because there has been feedback that not opening the home/index/frontpage is confusing for users. Different users have different needs.

    Thread Starter hebhansen


    FYI Your links open in same tab, so everytime I visit one I loose my reply here.

    1.1 The concept of a template is that you can have options to choose from!

    WordPress is inviting for disaster. Once the default is edited it’s gone. Default parent template should remain. This way I can see the new cover when updating to TT5 or TT6. I am not talking about reset and loose my work, I am talking about unlimited number of templates with own name and slug. Correct me if I am wrong. For any site there can ONLY be one frontpage template, correct?

    When I edit a template, a new should be created as co-existing fx Frontpage 1, Frontpage 2 etc. For Multisites > MAKE THIS TEMPLATE AVAILABLE FOR NETWORK option yes/no would be pretty brilliant.

    Adding a new site: default to standard WP, Others templates should then also be available.


    • I need to bring index.html in child back correct?
    • Do I need to bring home.html back in child? Will that overwrite anything?
    • Which templates can I have only one of and which ones can I have more of, such as page????

    1.2 thx, so far so good.

    • Patterns – Do not enter in t.j.
    • Template Parts – If you care for a bit of organizing, do add to t.j.!

    2.1 Sounds great. It has been a loooooooooooong time coming so maybe drop the idea of new and roll out 6.8 as repaint and refurbish and clean bugs and improve usability, ie likability

    2.2 My iPhone does NOT open in settings app! It opens with access to all apps.

    Please move to reconsider! This approach is very much a computer one, where the right approach is mobile first.

    1. I assume that Editor is the new WordPress dashboard…. clean, modern and direct into FSE, hence, Editor must have direct access to anything and load fast.
    2. Slow loading editor will make experienced users avoid it any way they can. Good for Elementor and all other silly page builders!
    3. Loading front page makes sence in the first 2 months of a site. Then comes transition where everything else needs attention and the current solution becomes nusence. As it is I am truly annoyed of the slow load Editor. Just saying.
    4. Once we agree on 1. Editor is the new dashboard, then we can start discussing a WordPress defined code to become an official plugin. Such as no adds in dash, no icons in menu, tag menu-item into an existing structure instead of creating own. Fx Settings, Tools, Security, Content. Support of styles (Light theme, dark theme), support of WP core variables as opposed to theming own plugin… For ages WordPress dash has been a mess. That needs to change and Editor is in fact a good starting point.

    1.3 My t.j. defined colors showed in parent TT4. They do not show in parent TT5. What am I missing. Has something changed in child t.j. to declare my custom stuff, that I am not aware of?

    	    "typography": {
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    "custom": true
    "shadow": {
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    "shadow": "-2px -2px 5px var(--wp--preset--color--base-2), 2px 2px 5px var(--wp--preset--color--draupnir-shadow)"
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    "shadow": "inset 1px 1px 2px var(--wp--preset--color--draupnir-shadow), inset -1px -1px 2px var(--wp--preset--color--base-2)"

    1.4 Can you confirm that the only setting I need to change to point child over to TT5 is change style.css > Template: twentytwentyfive ?! Or did I miss anything else.

    1.5 I am declaring WooCommerce in functions.php. This worked in TT4 but not in TT5? What can cause this?

     // Declare WooCommerce in theme ...
    function mytheme_add_woocommerce_support() {
    add_theme_support( 'woocommerce' );
    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'mytheme_add_woocommerce_support' );

    Thx for your assistance


    Topics other than Twenty Twenty-Five is outside the scope of this support forum. It would be very helpful to stay on the topic, so that I and others can try to help you.


    If you have feedback about the possible changes for templates and the link to the Site Editor, it is better to participate in the discussions on the Gutenberg GitHub repository. Realistically, you will not reach the same developers and the same amount of people here. It is easier to make progress on these tasks if the conversation is in the same place.

    The changes that I mentioned for the templates intend to solve this, but they still need to be completed and then tested before you will be able to use them.

    I need to bring index.html in child back correct?
    Only if you want your website to use this template. If you want to use the home.html from the child theme, you don’t need the index. The index is a fallback if home does not exist.

    Do I need to bring home.html back in child? Will that overwrite anything?
    You only need a child theme with a home.html if you want to use that template.
    If you want to use the template from the child theme, then you need to make sure that the blog home template is not saved to the database. If it is saved to the database, WordPress does not use the file.

    Which templates can I have only one of and which ones can I have more of, such as page????
    You can have any number of custom page templates.
    You can have one of the other templates.

    1.3 My t.j. defined colors showed in parent TT4. They do not show in parent TT5
    If changes to theme.json does not show up then you have either:
    1) Cache
    2) Saved styles in the database, and WordPress is using the database and not the file.
    This is something that others can not troubleshoot for you, you need to log in to your site and check if you have saved styles or if you have a cache plugin or similar.

    1.4 Can you confirm that the only setting I need to change to point child over to TT5 is change style.css > Template: twentytwentyfive
    To my knowledge, yes.

    1.5 I am declaring WooCommerce in functions.php. This worked in TT4 but not in TT5? What can cause this?
    Declaring theme support for WooCommerce is not needed anymore, unless you are using a very very old version of WooCommerce.

    Support for WooCommerce is out of the scope of this support forum, please use the WooCommerce support channels. Please remember to include all the information necessary for the support staff to help you locate and solve the problem.

    Thread Starter hebhansen


    Hi again @poena

    Your link to “Child Theme” I have read twenty times to no avail. These things are in place. In the doc WordPress use get_theme in all examples. For a child theme get_stylesheet is the right choise. Correct me if I am wrong. If not I suggest the doc get’s updates as it is misleading.

    Paricipate at Github. Yes thx. and where might that be?

    I really need to get out of database and onto my child theme. So any assistance in that department is very welcome…


    1. I delete index.html
    2. I need home.html
    3. My site is running off home.html in database. How would I know that? Why is this the first I hear about this after 3 years of TT3,TT4 and now TT5
    4. So 3 explains a lot of issues I guess. How do I move to child home.html and not database? WITHOUT LOSING MY CURRENT FRONTPAGE and work. Do I copy paste blocks from editor home, and paste them where? How.
    5. So I can have only one post template? and only one Product Template?
    6. I have litespeed cache and I purge it daily cause as mentioned a lot of things are not kicking in.
    7. Check if I have saved styles. I have styles in theme.json in child. Meaning my file structure of the child theme. Again how do I get out of the database home.html situation and how do I save my work. Especially my front page?
    8. I am using latest woo and yes, for some instances woo needs to be declared in theme. As I understand it they are fairly frustrated that WordPress themes do not do that.

    Note: I find the above relevant to TT5 in the sense that others will be in somewhat same situation. FSE is in no way self explanatory.

    Yes if you are worried about loosing changes, always backup the database first.

    This support page explains how to reset style changes made in the Site Editor:

    This support page explains how to reset changes to templates made in the Site Editor:

    Please don’t use all caps, it is rude.

    You can backup the changes to the home template by copying all blocks from the Site Editor and paste them into a .txt document while you are testing.
    Then if you need to, copy the blocks from there to the HTML file.

    Thread Starter hebhansen


    Reset styles and I will loose my work, which is precisely what I do not want.

    I will copy frontpage to a txt file. Thx

    Any suggestions to work around the Database and fix the theme issue?

    I have custom header and footer for site #1. I do not see their files anywhere, so where do they save to? They are not in patterns, parts, templates for neither child, TT4 nor TT5…

    • This reply was modified 3 months, 2 weeks ago by hebhansen.
    Thread Starter hebhansen


    Do I set both template and stylesheet in DB to child theme?

    I don’t understand what you are trying to show me in the database.

    If your homepage looks the way you want it, what are you trying to do?
    If your header and footer looks the way you want them, what are you trying to do?

    Do the TT5 templates, other than one you have overwritten, still not show in the Site Editor?

    I have custom header and footer for site #1. I do not see their files anywhere, so where do they save > to? They are not in patterns, parts, templates for neither child, TT4 nor TT5…

    I don’t know how and where you have edited, saved, or created these. Only you know what steps you have taken on your website. I don’t know how you want someone to reply to this without all the information.

    Thread Starter hebhansen


    Saved styles in the database, and WordPress is using the database and not the file.
    This is something that others can not troubleshoot for you, you need to log in to your site and check if you have saved styles or if you have a cache plugin or similar.

    I am asking if both tables “template” and “stylesheet” in wp_options should be set to childtheme? On my site #1 template table was TT5 and style was child theme. On site #2 template table in db was still at TT4 (not updated). So I suspect a bug on multisites.

    • template = parent theme/child theme?
    • stylesheet = child theme?

    As shown in the screen from PHPMyAdmin

    As mentioned child theme.json styles such as color are not showing inside editor > settings when set to TT5 parent. They did show before for TT4. Cache is purged so I need to fix things in DB?

    Check if I have saved styles? do you mean save theme.json file? yes I have. Saved in editor? yes during the last 2 years numerous times.

    Why is my theme.json not kicking in?

    Oh, Yes in that case if it still says twentytwentyfour that may be one of the missing pieces!

    Try deactivating and activating the child theme. I thought WP would update this value after you changed it in the file: But maybe it only does that on activation.


    If you manually created new header and footer parts you should be able to see them under Appearance, Patterns, template parts.

    if you edited existing parts, then you should be able to select the existing part and see if it has a reset option in the three dot menu next to the name of the part, below the preview. This reset option is only available if you have made changes.

    One option to backup your changes is to go to the Site Editor, select the options (next to the Save button on the top right) and look for “Export”. This option gives you a zip file. The file contains a copy of the active theme but with your changes to styles, templates and parts added “on top of” it. This zip can be helpful but I don’t recommend using it as a theme that you activate without making changes to it, because there are some bugs. Such as incorrect image sources.

    Thread Starter hebhansen


    Thx @poena for your time and helping out. I have a better concept of Templates, parts and patterns. The 2 sites running on Child / Parent tt5 seem somewhat stable with the DB changes.

    The missing stuff declared in child t.j. is still a mystery. I will give it a bit of time and see. I can see that child theme has tt4 styles in file structure and are now pointing to tt5 template. I guess I can just drop these styles to child (files) and then I should see some change… Or maybe I should delete styles in child, so that it runs from parent.

    Feedback for development. I think a lot of idiot proofing is missing. Until this is improved, you will have a lot of frustrated users of FSE and overload on support. Ideas:

    • Styles (Files) child theme – prevention of odd/faulty structures and dublets by if > else code that pass out real time guidance in editor.
    • Child theme documentation is lacking. You have a doc on Kinsta. This is one of the best guidelines outthere Maybe port it to www.ads-software.com. Which files to transfer and which ones not to is essential to avoid future total confusion.
    • DB check on parent theme update/change. Check that site / all sites for multisite has table change of _options > template. Apparently for multisites this is not the case.
    • Creation of child theme inside editor. This way core can check if edits to theme was already done, hence, create and port work done into child.
    • Ability to have only one template, I believe is very wrong. Option of Light/Dark theme could pass throughout the site if fx double temps was possible.
    • If more templates, duplicate button in edirtor becomes essential… and for multisites, once a new is created, ability to share this template to Network (All sites)

    I will mark as solved for now and then start fresh. Just one question. I have a pattern on site 1. I do not see this pattern in file structure. How can I copy it to a new site #2 (Have it accessible across more sites?)

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