• has anyone else had trouble with these themes… whenever i try and install it i get an error message. I have it installed right now at https://www.drmastersblog.com but I am trying to edit the header/logo specifically but when I change the header/logo it does not change on my site??


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  • Is there a specific error you are receiving when trying to make changes or do you just try to make the changes and nothing happens when you save?

    Thread Starter aphrwellness


    No error message or anything… when i hit save in the dashboard it says that everything was saved sucesfully but nothing changes on my site

    Seeing as how the theme isn’t free I can’t download it to look at the backend. Is there a theme options page in the backend that lets you change the header image or are you trying to modify the image manually by typing in code?

    Thread Starter aphrwellness


    I am trying to change it in the themes options page..

    Theme Name: creatiadots
    Theme URI: https://www.templateaccess.com/
    Description: The Marketplace for Premium Templates & Themes.
    Version: 1.0
    Author: TemplateAccess.com
    /*=== Setup ===*/
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    .white { color:#FFF; }

    You should be modifying the following line

    .logo h1 { background: url(images/logo.png) top no-repeat; float:left;

    and changing the images/logo.png URL in order to change the logo on the site. Just replace the location with the location of your new logo.

    Thread Starter aphrwellness


    That worked! Thank you very much

    Any chance you cloud tell me how to change the three images that rotate on my homepage?

    What part of the code do I change for that?

    Its a Flash file so you’d have to find a program that allows you to edit the file so you can make the changes.

    Thread Starter aphrwellness


    I am trying to edit the images on this flash file used in my theme can someone tell me where in this code I need to change the images??

    the site is https://www.drmastersblog.com

    <div class=”header_h2″>
    <div class=”flash_slider”>
    <div id=”flashcontent”>
    <p>You need to upgrade your Flash Player to version 10 or newer.</p>
    <!– end flashcontent –>
    <script type=”text/javascript”>
    var flashvars = {};
    flashvars.xmlSource = “<?php bloginfo(‘template_url’); ?>/piecemakerXML.xml”;
    flashvars.cssSource = “<?php bloginfo(‘template_url’); ?>/piecemakerXML.css”;
    flashvars.imageSource = “<?php bloginfo(‘template_url’); ?>/images”;
    var attributes = {};
    attributes.wmode = “transparent”;
    swfobject.embedSWF(“<?php bloginfo(‘template_url’); ?>/piecemakerNoShadow.swf”, “flashcontent”, “970”, “541”, “10”, “<?php bloginfo(‘template_url’); ?>/swfobject/expressInstall.swf”, flashvars, attributes);
    <!–/flash_slider –>
    <!–/header_h2 –>
    <div class=”clr”></div>

    Is there is nothing to upload these in the Admin > Appearance > Theme Options?

    As this is a paid theme check the themes website to see if there is a forum where these questions may have already been asked.

    Polite Note: use https://www.wordpress.pastebin.com to paste large blocks of code, just create new > paste > Submit, copy the url and paste it in your post, large blocks of code do get deleted from here.

    Images for flash are in:



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