Hi ymca,
I think I don’t get your point… The text displayed on the registration page is fully customizable in the backend. If you install the plugin for the first time there is some dummy text and as long as you don’t change and save it in the backend this text is translateable aswell.
Or do you mean a multilingual register page? At the moment there is no option to enter the text for more than one language.
A possible workaround for a multilingual register page is to delete the plugin data in the WordPress database, it will then fall back to the predefined dummy text in the language file. You can alter the language files and create new languages from the .pot-file.
Let me know, if this works.
I will implement the option to delete the plugin data manually on the backend page to make it easier to use the language files again. Maybe it’s a good idea to let the user choose to either use the language file or the custom entered text via a checkbox.