• Where do I begin?

    This plugin is claiming to be able to address the very important and core areas of a store operations – communications with its customers and returns/refunds.

    After playing with it for a couple of wasted hours and spending some time with its so called “support” online, I can honestly say: the plugin is nowhere near being able to address any of those areas and not ready for production.

    Those areas are at the heart of your store (dealing with your customer) and as such need to be handled with utmost care. This plugin is nowhere near being able to earnestly address the challenges of operating a real store. Beware!!

    The plugin is too cumbersome to configure, terribly buggy and lacks real support.

    The plugin has clear and apparent issues with not properly displaying messages for the customer on her Orders menu even after one repeatedly hits Update Messages button. When asked whether it’s been tested, the “support” person says ‘Yes, but we haven’t encountered your issue before’. Really? It’s obvious on the very first use. You haven’t encountered it because you never tested it.

    The plugin doesn’t support the basic functionality of issuing a partial return to a customer. In real life it’s going to bring more headaches than necessary. Why bother with supporting refunds but not being able to support partial refunds?

    The plugin claims to be able to use short codes for several WooCommerce fields on its email templates but when one attempts to actually do that, the emails the customers receive have those short codes glaringly unpopulated. It’s impossible to miss that if anyone decides to test it, but apparently the people behind this plugin assume that testing is something beneath them and to be done only by the end users of their plugin.

    If those issues are not enough, there are more but it’s already too obvious that this plugin is not ready for the prime time.

    There’s no real issue tracking system for this plugin, the support guy wants me to send him an email instead of me being able to open an issue on an legitimate issue tracking system to be able to track its progress. Asking for a URL for the issue tracking system falls on a deaf ear with a lot of unnecessary empty words around it.

    I would have given it 0 stars as the quality of this is not production ready.

    All the five-starred reviews here are fake as it’s impossible to use this and not notice all of its shortcomings in the first 5 minutes.

    The support claims to have tested the plugin which is a lie on its face – one doesn’t need to spend more than 2 minutes to test it to see that it’s completely flawed and not ready for production.

    If they don’t care to make an unpaid version of their software to have no major bugs, why would one assume that the paid version of it will be any better?

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  • Thread Starter excelsiormerchant


    More issues:

    – The required fields in the message form are not highlighted as such

    – The validation errors displays just a red mark without highlighting the culprit missing fields or giving any message to indicate what’s wrong

    – The Message form itself is messed up and lists all the pages on the site at the bottom along with search, etc.

    Hi @excelsiormerchant

    We would like to tell you that our plugin offers a variety of enriched features and functionality in returning a product.

    We are already running our plugin family with 2300+ woocommerce plugin active users and 1670+ pro users.

    We really don’t think that we got 40+ genuine and verified user reviews on a false basis on woocommerce and 240+ review on pro one.

    We are providing 24*7 premium support and also technical support for our premium user as well as for the free one with no actual charge.

    In free plugin we’re providing the features that should be in the premium one alike Dedicated refund system,Predefined Refund Reason,Mail Notification For Refund,Efficient Tax Handling,Stock Management,Refund on selected order status,Order Related Messages and Email notifications.

    Few listed features of our free plugin are :
    1. We are providing at Return an order after delivery.
    2. Easily handle the tax on the refund products.
    3. Allow customers to add a reason for a refund.
    4. Set multiple reasons for a product refund.
    5. Let the customers send an attachment with a refund request.
    6. Manage stock on each refund.
    7. Customize the refund button text.
    8. Set the time period for refund request generation.
    9. Enable refund requests for selected order statuses.
    10. Create a dedicated mailing system for refund management.
    11. Add predefined elements in email content with shortcodes.
    12. Communicate with customers through messages and Emails.
    13. Admin can add shortcode for order_id in the emails to track down the customer from whom refund and exchange request is made.

    Issues mentioned :
    1.The plugin has clear and apparent issues with not properly displaying messages for the customer on her Orders menu even after one repeatedly hits Update Messages button ->> Its been a top feature of our plugin and working too good from years.

    2.The plugin doesn’t support the basic functionality of issuing a partial return to a customer. ->> Please visit to our premium one we really offer too much along with our partial refund and exchange.

    3.The plugin claims to be able to use short codes for several WooCommerce fields on its email templates but when one attempts to actually do that, the emails the customers receive have those short codes glaringly unpopulated ->>[order] for Order Number, [siteurl] for home page url, [username] for user name,[order_id] in the emails to track down the customer from whom refund and exchange request is made.All shortcode works as per desired field we are regularly checking it with our whole plugin.

    4.If they don’t care to make an unpaid version of their software to have no major bugs, why would one assume that the paid version of it will be any better? ->> We are regularly test our free one also along with the regular update in every month if you check so.

    5.The required fields in the message form are not highlighted as such. ->> They are properly highlighted as per requirement of thousands of clients.

    6. The validation errors displays just a red mark without highlighting the culprit missing fields or giving any message to indicate what’s wrong. – >>At the top it tells the user that you’re missing such fields.

    7.The Message form itself is messed up and lists all the pages on the site at the bottom along with search, etc. – >>May be there is some cache issue or some conflict issue on your site, as it never happened with us or anyone of our client.

    Everything is working fine with our 2300+ plugin family and if they rarely facing any issue they came to our support and no one is going with the unhappy face anytime
    We always help them with our proper support along with the technical queries.

    But somehow we don’t know how the one exceptional we’re seeing today in this case, if you have any issue regarding to our product we further requesting you to please come to our support, when we help thousands of client why we won’t help you.

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