Test CDN 400 Bad request
Thank you for using the service and I’m sorry to see you are having problems.
I just checked your test URL against all of our endpoints and cannot reproduce that error.
If the error is still happening , please confirm and also if you could confirm the country you are in when trying to access that url, that would be helpful as well.
Thank you!
For some reason, the first zone is currently okay.
But I got exactly the same problem when I registered new zone.
https://m55kf4adn7bu.wpcdn.shift8cdn.com/wp-content/plugins/shift8-cdn/test/test.pngI waited for another minutes, reload the page, then suddenly it appears okay!
Great! Yeah it takes a few minutes after you first add a site to populate across the network.
Glad its working!
And I have this problem with 400 Bad Request… Can you help me, please.
That link works for me. I tried it also from every endpoint server we have.
Its possible the 400 error was actually returned from your web server? Our endpoint servers would just pass a 400 error from the originating site (your site).
Is it still happening?
The “test URL in new tab” shows 404 error.
Shift8 CDN Debug InfoWordPress Version: 5.4
Current WordPress Theme: Herald Child version 0.1.0herald
Theme Author: meks – https://mekshq.com
Theme URI: https://mekshq.com
PHP Version: 7.2.30
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Shift8 CDN (1.39)
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Webcraftic Robin image optimizer (1.4.2)
WP-Optimize – Clean, Compress, Cache (3.0.19)
WP Super Cache (1.7.1)
Yoast SEO (13.5)Hello,
Is it possible to clear w3 total cache, then disable that plugin and check to see if the test url works :
Thank you!
Not working,
When i tried to check the test image, it is showing my whole website home page.
Also in wordpress, shift8 cdn – it is showing as “Error Detected : Could not find site in CDN.”I also disabled my cache plugin named : “WP Super Cache”
My website is ‘www.gearknowledge.com’
Please help me in this.
Shift8 CDN Debug Info
WordPress Version: 5.2.3
Current WordPress Theme: Minamaze version 1.7.1
Theme Author: ThinkUpThemes – https://www.thinkupthemes.com
Theme URI: https://www.thinkupthemes.com/free/minamaze-free/
PHP Version: 7.3.17
Active Plugins:Add Posts to Pages (1.4.1)
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Facebook Comments Master (5.0.11)
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Limit Login Attempts (1.7.1)
Mobile Menu (2.8)
Pages In Widgets (1.9.4)
Posts in Page (1.2.4)
Post Views Stats (1.3)
Protect WP-Admin (2.5)
Really Simple SSL (3.3.1)
Shift8 CDN (1.40)
Simple Share Buttons Adder (6.1.5)
TinyMCE Advanced (4.6.7)
WP Change Default From Email (1.1.0)
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WP News and Scrolling Widgets (4.2.1)
WP Product Review Lite (2.9.5)
WP Super Cache (1.7.1)
Yoast SEO (11.6)Hello,
I am currently looking into a way to make a better more intuitive check when you add the site to our dashboard.
Currently we check if the DNS resolves and its a valid URL. But sometimes people enter their website like :
and sometimes they write it like :
(note the trailing slash).Your webserver, when you enter the URL https://www.gearknowledge.com/ will redirect it to https://www.gearknowledge.com (without the trailing slash).
This causes problems with things like the CDN because its not smart enough to know that you didn’t intend to write the trailing slash.
I have corrected the site and removed the trailing slash and it seems to work now. Can you test yourself to see? You might have to clear your browser cache to be safe.
Again I will look into a way to detect this and catch it if someone adds a trailing slash to their site URL in the future, but just keep that in mind either way.
This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by
This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by
tobifjellner (Tor-Bjorn “Tobi” Fjellner).
@goranet @thindpls @sudhakarcool @shift8
Dear friends,Please avoid adding several separate discussions into somebody else’s thread. At some point it gets hard to follow, to whom a message is directed, and you end up spamming previous participants with notifications.
Also: Even if you’ve got the same symptom as the original poster, the root problem may be something totally different.I’ll close this thread since the original poster seems to have solved their issue some three weeks ago.
New topics about this same plugin can be created via https://www.ads-software.com/support/plugin/shift8-cdn/?view=all#new-topic-0
This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by
- The topic ‘Test CDN 400 Bad request’ is closed to new replies.