Test email error
I have just installed Postman and added the settings that the email server guys have provided. The wizard has gone through but the test emails are failing, saying:
ATLAS [Home directory didnt exist: 543150,
/websites/123reg/LinuxPackage25/no/uv/it/nouvita.co.uk/public_html]Here are the results of the diagnostic test. Any help is welcome please …
OS: Linux linweb38.atlas.pipex.net 2.6.32-504.3.3.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Dec 17 01:55:02 UTC 2014 x86_64
HTTP User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11) AppleWebKit/601.1.56 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 Safari/601.1.56
PHP: Linux 5.2.17 C
PHP Dependencies: iconv=Yes, spl_autoload=Yes, openssl=Yes, sockets=Yes, allow_url_fopen=Yes, mcrypt=Yes
WordPress: 4.2.5 en_US
WordPress Theme: Thesis
WordPress Plugins: Gravity Forms, Accordions, Add Posts to Pages, Akismet, Comprehensive Google Map Plugin, Cookie Law Info, Display Widgets, Easy Wysiwyg Style, Google Analyticator, Google XML Sitemaps, Pin It Button for Pinterest, Postman SMTP, Social Media Feather, UpdraftPlus – Backup/Restore
WordPress wp_mail Filter(s): wp_staticize_emoji_for_email
Postman: 1.6.24
Postman Sender Domain (Envelope|Message): nouvita.co.uk | nouvita.co.uk
Postman Prevent Message Sender Override (Email|Name): No | No
Postman Transport URI: smtp:none:plain://relay-hosting.secureserver.net:25
Postman Transport Status (Configured|Ready|Connected): Yes | Yes | Yes
Postman Deliveries (Success|Fail): 0 | 0
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