Tx for reply! Can you clarify exactly where I make this change? I would like to change one testimonial page on a page with a few. The one I want to change is on top of a full width section. Here is the code I found for it when I select “Edit Page”:
[fullwidth_section background_type=”image” text_color=”dark” image=”3776″ parallax=”yes” padding_top=”150″ padding_bottom=”150″][testimonial_box type=”normal” count=”1″ category=”christel-allen” columns=”1″ orderby=”date” order=”DESC”][/fullwidth_section][/vc_column][/vc_row]
Can I add something here to directly change background for “Christel Allen’s testimonial? Here is my page to see what I’m referring to: https://www.miamimxparksupport.com/?page_id=1970
When I open Editor I don’t see code which would indiciate I could change there….
Here is the code in Editor:
function hb_testimonial_box ( $post_id ) {
$testimonial_post = get_post($post_id);
if ( $testimonial_post ) {
<div class=”hb-testimonial”>
<?php the_content(); ?>
$author_image = vp_metabox(‘testimonial_type_settings.hb_testimonial_author_image’);
$author_name = vp_metabox(‘testimonial_type_settings.hb_testimonial_author’);
$author_desc = vp_metabox(‘testimonial_type_settings.hb_testimonial_description’);
$author_desc_link = vp_metabox(‘testimonial_type_settings.hb_testimonial_description_link’);
if ( $author_image ) {
$author_image = hb_resize(null, $author_image, 60, 60, true ); ?>
<img src=”<?php echo $author_image[‘url’]; ?>” width=”60″ height=”60″ class=”testimonial-author-img”/>
<?php } ?>
<?php if ( $author_name || $author_desc ) { ?>
<div class=”testimonial-author”>
<?php if ( $author_name ) { ?>
<h5 class=”testimonial-author-name”>
<?php echo $author_name; ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php if ( $author_desc && $author_desc_link ) { ?>
” class=”testimonial-company”><?php echo $author_desc; ?>
<?php } else if ( $author_desc ) { ?>
<?php echo $author_desc; ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php }