Hi @kokkieh
That was my understanding as well before @macmanx suggested the following,
By default, Testimonials are displayed in order by date added, with the most recent first.
Thus I removed order=DESC from the shortcode. Now I have changed the shortcode back to [testimonials columns=2 order=DESC]
and it is giving the results I was looking for.
As [testimonials columns=2 order=DESC]
was the shortcode I was using when I opened this support topic, thus I checked the history and guess what, I was using [testimonials columns=2 order:DESC]
with : instead of =, chk out my first query.
I made this mistake because it is mentioned like “order: “ at https://en.support.wordpress.com/testimonials-shortcode/#attributes and I just copy pasted it without realizing that it should have been changed to order=DESC in the shortcode.
Thanks @lizkarkoski, @macmanx and @kokkieh for your support, it came out to be a silly mistake on my part.
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