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  • I have this same issue. Text shows in the code but not on the page. Tried adjusting font colors, display, etc. in css and nothing is working. Help, please!

    Plugin Author Matt Cohen


    Hi boodaddy,

    Thanks for your query. ??

    If you can see the output when you copy/paste the HTML, then there is a styling conflict within your theme or another plugin’s CSS (at the time of writing, the testimonials plugin doesn’t output any CSS).

    I’d advise checking the “display”, “visibility” and “height” properties.

    This can be done using “Inspect Element” in Google Chrome/Safari or the “Firebug” extension in Firefox.


    NOPE – the HTML is not being output (I checked Chrome and Firefox).

    The defect seems to relate to the “%%TEXT%%” not being substituted correctly into this:

    $tpl = '<div id="quote-%%ID%%" class="%%CLASS%%"><blockquote class="testimonials-text">%%TEXT%%</blockquote>%%AVATAR%% %%AUTHOR%%<div class="fix"></div></div>';

    inside the testimonials-by-woothemes/woothemes-testimonials-template.php file?

    I dunno, maybe that’s wrong.
    But the actual HTML being output definitely has a ‘blockquote’ tag followed by a ‘/blockquote’ tag, with no text in between.

    Any help much appreciated!!

    -Aaron Sylvan

    Same thing I’m seeing, Aaron. No testimonial text after upgrading.

    Hoping for a speedy resolution!

    Ok, here’s a crappy hack…

    Using “Plugins->Editor” and selecting “Testimonials”, you can get to the “testimonials-by-woothemes/woothemes-testimonials-template.php” file.

    Line 133 is:

    $content = apply_filters( 'woothemes_testimonials_content', get_the_content(), $post );

    and if you change that to:

    $content = get_the_content();

    then it seems to work okay. I’m not sure what the “woothemes_testimonials_content” filter was intended to do —?it may be intended to “sanitize” the testimonials against people sneaking hacks into them. But if you write your own testimonials and don’t allow reader submissions, it won’t matter.

    ANYway… I’d really like to see a fix originate from Woo on this one, but in case of emergency my answer about should work.

    Happy hacking!


    Is there an easy way to simply downgrade the plugin while we’re waiting for a fix? I’m using the Appply theme with Testimonials displaying on the home page (not the shortcode), but I’m having the same issue after upgrade.

    Plugin Author Matt Cohen


    Thanks Shawn and Aaron.

    I’ll look further into this and deploy 1.3.1 soonest with the fix.

    Please also keep an eye on for the latest commits to the plugin.

    My sincerest apologies for the inconvenience caused here.

    Thanks and regards,

    Thanks, Matty.

    And Jon, you can download previous versions of any plugin from the “Developers” tab:


    I simply downloaded the old version (, deleted the new version of the plugin, and uploaded the old one.

    Fixed for now, and I’ll wait for the next version to upgrade.

    So that you can diagnose — I was seeing the same thing; I’d thought for a moment that I was seeing a CSS error, but when I looked, there was nothing being output in the HTML.

    Best of luck, Matt!

    Plugin Author Matt Cohen


    Hi Aaron, Shawn,

    I’ve done some further digging and have isolated and resolved the bug.

    Could you please test the code at the following branch ( ) and confirm that the fix works correctly on your ends?

    If the fix works correctly for you both as well, I’ll deploy the update to

    Thank you for your patience in this regard.

    Thanks and regards,

    Appears to work for me. Rock on!

    Plugin Author Matt Cohen


    I’ve tagged and deployed version 1.3.1.

    Thanks for testing! I’m glad to see this bug resolved. ??

    I am using version 1.3.1 but still encountering this same issue.

    Any help?

    ^^^ you can view the testimonial (or rather, not view the testimonials) in the footer area of the content and on the testimonials page –

    Plugin Author Matt Cohen


    Hi ashleynlinares,

    There is a styling conflict between a CSS class used in the testimonials plugin, and your theme.

    Please add the following CSS code to your theme’s stylesheet:

    .widget_woothemes_testimonials .fade { opacity: 1; }


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