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  • mc_gabe


    Hey Peter,

    Thanks for getting in touch. We’re definitely happy to help out, but we’d like a bit of clarification regarding your question. What in particular about the error messages would you like to check or modify? What appears to be the issue you’re running into right now (if there is one)? Is there something indicating this might be an issue specifically with the developer mode over regular operation?

    Once we understand your request a bit better, we’ll be happy to help however we can!


    Moderator Peter Wilson



    The form I’m generating looks like this – the grey text are <label>s.

    If I leave the fields empty and hit submit, the form posts to localhost/#mc_signup without throwing any errors.

    I’d like to test the errors:

    • invalid email address
    • empty required field

    If dev mode skips error checking, it may need some work on the plugin.




    Hi Peter,

    Thanks for responding. Currently, in the developer mode errors aren’t shown. I will definitely pass on the idea of enabling error checking.

    If you’re trying to style the error messages, that can be done in the css. Basically when an error is returned it’s added in the <div> with the class ‘updated’ inside the form directly above the fields. When an error occurs, a <span> is inserted in that div. It looks something like this:

    <span class="mc_error_msg">? You must fill in First Name.<br /></span>
    <span class="mc_error_msg">? That email address is invalid.<br /></span>

    By default the color is set to red. But you can change it to another color or change the fonts by adding some css similar to this.

    #mc_signup .mc_error_msg {
      color: blue;
      font-family: serif;

    Let us know if you have any other questions.


    Moderator Peter Wilson


    Thanks, to test the messages I’m running the following in console.

    jQuery('#mc_message').append('<span class="mc_error_msg">? You must fill in Last Name.<br /></span>')


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