• Resolved satrntgr


    Is there any way to add a text box under the footer? I tried to add the 4th footer box, but that just didn’t work. Or even a text box above the footers that would go across the whole page and not be in one of the 3 columns??? Thanks.

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  • Thread Starter satrntgr


    Okay, now how do I get the widgets to stack left to right inside up and down? I’m using Customizr and just want a line of widgets horizontal and not vertical. Any ideas?



    That’s why there are three in the first place, to help you do that ??

    How many columns do you want? Your first post indicated that you wanted three columns with one row underneath. This is what the “use case” in here does: https://www.themesandco.com/snippet/adding-fourth-footer-widget-area/

    Thread Starter satrntgr


    I do want one underneath, but being able to insert widgets side by side all the way across that one box. Right now I have the three with my necessary stuff in them and would like the one under to have multiple ads inserted that go across the whole bottom of the page. I tried to just do it as a text box, but didn’t work.



    Ok, then use the code in the “Use case: adding a fourth widget area below the three default footer widget areas” in :https://www.themesandco.com/snippet/adding-fourth-footer-widget-area/

    Thread Starter satrntgr


    I already have it in there that way ElectricFeet and it still has them going in vertically instead of horizontal. My site is https://www.tigerstrypes.com and it’s the widgets below the first 3 in the footer (Niche…Bloggers Req’d). I want those to site next to each other, with any others I insert also going left to right until there is no space and then starting another row. Any ideas?



    Since your entering as html in a text widget, give them a class of widget-4 or such.
    You can then use css.
    Here’s an example:

    <div class="widget-4"><a href="https://www.thenichemommy.com/" target="blank"><img border="0" src="https://www.thenichemommy.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Niche_Parent_Member_Badge.png"></a></div>

    That way you can leave out the <center> tags & inline styling.
    Use css in your stylsheet:
    widget-4 {
    float: left;

    Thread Starter satrntgr


    No batharoy – that’s wrong. I’m trying to add them as the HTML widgets. The text ones won’t allow me to use the html in them and I don’t want to edit my css, since the Customizr is always changing. ?? Maybe there’s just no way to do this. I just want a spot where I can put widgets down at the bottom like this: [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] and not up and down.



    OK, it’s a bit confusing for us here, because it’s not clear what you want. If you want one wide widget area, then all you have to do is what I suggested above:

    Delete whatever you have in footer widget areas two and three and add:

    #footer_one {
        width: 100%;

    to your CSS.

    That will give you one wide footer.

    If you want them all to appear one after another, horizontally, then add:

    .widget {
        float: left;
        margin-right: 20px;

    to your CSS.

    Thread Starter satrntgr


    It’s confusing for me too, with what you’re telling me. I WANT widget 1-3 as my footer, but I want widget 4 to be an area under my footer all the way across that I can insert widgets in that go left to right and not only in the center up and down. I showed you how I want it to look. Like I said, maybe it’s not something I can do.




    <--widget 1--><--widget 2--><--widget 3-->
       content       content       content
    <----------------widget 4---------------->
       content   content   content   content

    The elements in widget 4 should align horizontally not vertically.

    Is this correct?



    If what batharoy has posted is correct, then you need to:
    1. Add the following to your functions.php:

    // Adds a widget area. It gets registered automatically as part of the arra
    add_filter( 'tc_footer_widgets', 'my_footer_widgets');
    function my_footer_widgets( $default_widgets_area ) {
        $default_widgets_area['footer_four'] = array(
              'name'                 => __( 'Footer Widget Area Four' , 'customizr' ),
              'description'          => __( 'Just use it as you want !' , 'customizr' )
        return $default_widgets_area;
    // Adds a class to style footer widgets
    add_filter( 'footer_four_widget_class', 'my_footer_widget_class');
    function my_footer_widget_class() {
        return 'span12';

    (this uses the “Use case : adding a fourth widget area below the three defaults footer widget area” from this snippet).

    2. Style it with:

    #footer_four .widget {
        float: left;
        margin-right: 20px;
    #footer_four .widget-title {

    Tell me we’ve got it now, please ??

    Thread Starter satrntgr


    Okay Electric feet – I added that and now my site won’t even load. Had to go into my goDaddy account and delete that. I have a child theme for Customizr. Do I add it to that functions file, or do I have to add it to the main? (Which means every time he updates the theme, I’ll have to redo it). This stinks. Should be much easier than this to get this done!

    Thread Starter satrntgr


    …and Batharoy, yes!! That’s exactly how I want it to look! Also ElectricFeet, I forgot to ask, does the “style it” portion get added to the style.css portion of the child theme?

    Thread Starter satrntgr


    It must of been something to do with WordPress – because when I input this stuff via GoDaddy directly, it worked fine. Thanks everyone!

    Hello satrntgr,

    could you explain how you solved it? I have the same need

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