• Hello,

    I have qtranslate in my WordPress site because I have translations in some languages.
    When the site is display in Spanish (the main language) there is no problem with the text shown below the circles, but when display in English of French the text shown keep being the Spanish one instead of the translations. Nevertheless, the titles of the pages are translated well.

    How could I change that and display the translations in every language.

    There you have the site: https://aglezamador.com

    Thank you very much for your time and help,


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  • Hello AlezGlez Amador, could you tell me how you put translation flags in header? (i mean inside grey bar)
    it seems that now transation in your site are ok
    Thanks a lot!

    it seems that now transation in your site are ok

    Yes, @alexglezamador it would be wonderful if you could share how you fixed this problem! The site looks great now.

    [ Moderator note: please wrap code in backticks or use the code button. ]

    i’ve fixed in this way , now translation is outside box, but is in header (below grey box but above slider)
    in header.php (below </div><!-- /.navbar-wrapper -->) i’ve put

    echo "<div style='position:relative; margin-left: 300px%; padding-top: 3px;'>";
    echo qtrans_generateLanguageSelectCode('both');
    echo "</div>";

    (300 px is an example,you can modify it)

    relating horizontal i’ve copied this from another post, and perfectly work:
    put in custom CSS

    .qtrans_language_chooser li { float:left; position: relative; display: inline; padding-right: 6px; padding-top:1px; }
    a.qtrans_flag:hover {background-position: -18px 0 ; }

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    You really do not want to edit the header.php file that way. When the Customizr theme get’s updated you will lose those changes.

    Instead create a child theme in wp-content/themes/customizr-child directory, copy this style.css file there

    Theme Name:     Customizr Child Theme
    Description:    Child theme for the Customizr theme
    Template:       customizr
    Version:        0.1.0
    @import url("../customizr/style.css");

    Once that’s done then copy the original header.php into the customizr-child directory and then make your changes to that copy.

    Thanks fafa77, useful code ??

    What I’d really like to know is how @alexglezamador managed to translate the text under his circles. It works really well on his site. Several people have been asking how to do this here.

    Hi fafa77,

    Thanks to @alexglezamador developer, @jgarciabt, I know how to add flags. You have to do the following:

    1.- Add this code to class-header-menu.php:
    <div class="qTransStyle"><?php qtrans_generateLanguageSelectCode('both'); ?></div>
    In my case I pasted it after the following line: <div class=”nav-collapse collapse”> and it works ok.
    2.- Add this code to style.css:

        bot: 10px;

    it is more useful if you do it on a child theme as Jan Dembowski mentioned before.

    Regarding the other issue to translate text after the circles you have to use the qtranslate tags. For instance, [:es] or [:en] for spanish and english.
    Just write your text as usual and then add [:en] at the beginning of the english text and, following that, [:es] at the beginning of the spanish text.

    Wonderful! A future project is to unify my two sites, so this is going in the bookmarks ??

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