• wesbos


    Hey everyone,

    I am setting up my blog which can be found at wesbos.com/blog

    My problem is that when I view the site in IE the text is huge. I tried changing the CSS, which is shown below, but whatever size I made it it is still a % bigger in IE.

    body {
    	margin:0px 0;
    	background: #343434;
    	line-height: 1.4em; font-style:normal; font-variant:normal; font-weight:normal; font-size:10px; font-family:Arial, Sans-Serif

    Ive tried using 75% for font, and a few other things.

    They all change the size, but when its perfect in firefox, its still way too big in IE.

    I would prefer not to have a band-aid IF statement.

    Any help would be appreciated.


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  • vkaryl


    *laughing* THANK YOU, webDressing! Best chuckle I’ve had in days!



    Yeah we really shouldn’t be laughing, we should be crying, but I’m glad you got a good chuckle out of it ??



    Oh, I cry over it often enough…. believe me….



    There are a lot of missing tags.

    I don’t know if anyone is even looking at this topic anymore but I figured out the problem you have an open tag somewhere I had this problem i couldn’t figure it out until I looked at my header I Had an open <H1> tag that should fix it for some reason Firefox closes the tag automatically but IE dousent good luck.

    Umm, maybe your IE just has larger default font than your FF? Except for 2 headings you are using relative font sizes, so if IE defaults to 16px and FF to 12 (for example) the font of course is bigger in IE. That would be a feature, not a bug.

    I’m starting a new blog and I was looking for a canned WP theme and the MAJORITY of themes I’ve looked at so far have dramatic differences in text size between FF and IE. (both browsers set to their default out-of-the-box settings, on two different PC’s, slightly different rev’s of both browsers).

    I think theme designers need to compare their themes of several major browsers before releasing them in the wild. It’s no good to say that the original poster in this thread should adjust his browsers, unless he’s the only person who will be reading his blog. Themes need to work for average visitors with default browser settings.

    Thank you prime0evil1. You fixed my same problem exactly.

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