• jaapvink59


    Hello Alessandro,

    Thank you for the great plugin. I have a question about the text in the widget and on the page after the activation by a subscriber.
    I want a slightly different text but don’t see an option for it in the settings. After some searching, I see that it is in the .mo file (I use Dutch).

    Changes in the .mo are not permanent (after an update). Would it be possible to add these text-field options in the settings (Text-tab)? It would be great if all text that can be seen by a visitor (on the site or mail) could be adapted in the settings.

    Kind regards, Jaap


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  • Gunu



    See – Alo EasyMail Newsletter Options – Texts ?

    Thread Starter jaapvink59


    Hi Gunu,
    That is where I looked (of course) but these fields are not present. I only have:
    – Optin message
    – Optout message
    – Invite to join mailing lists
    – Top claim
    – Policy claim

    – Activation e-mail
    – Unsubscription disclaimer
    – Read newsletter online

    That’s all. No fields for widget text or after activation page text.



    can you change the .mo files? (I miss the .po files)

    you can try to put this file outside the plugin folder in the folder wp-content – languages – plugins (maybe with a folder that has the name of the ALO plugin) then this will not be lost with an update. I have not tested this myself with this plugin.


    Thread Starter jaapvink59


    Yes, but it requires a plugin: Codestyling Localization https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/codestyling-localization/

    If you press the scan-button (in this plugin), it will generate the .po file. And then you can edit it and generate a new .mo file with the plugin (no need for PoEdit and up/-downloading). Excellent plugin btw.

    Do you have more text-fields than I mentioned?

    Plugin Author eventualo


    You can add this code to functions.php in your theme or in a php file into mu-plugins folder:

    function my_easymail_lang_file( $mofile, $domain )
        if ( 'alo-easymail' == $domain )
    	// Set here the new translation files location
            $mofile = WP_LANG_DIR . "/plugins/alo-easymail/". basename($mofile);
        return $mofile;
    add_filter( 'load_textdomain_mofile', 'my_easymail_lang_file', 10, 2 );

    So the plugin will load the translation file from the path you want, in this sample from: wp-content/languages/plugins/alo-easymail/

    You can find the .po files here:

    I hope it helps.

    Thread Starter jaapvink59


    Hi Eventualo,

    Looks a bit complicated to me. I’m not that experienced with php-programming. It would be nice if the text tab under settings would provide text fields for all communication with the visitor of the site. For now, I will stick to changing the .po/.mo files (thanks for the links)


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