• HI my site page with the issues is this


    In my page editor i want people to just be able to write text and not worry about when to add new lines,

    the centre text column wont align the text automatically.

    for example: it will cut words off lik
    e that.

    or if you have a long line it will just add a horizontal scroll bar. i just want to type and it to fill the space it should go in.

    any suggestions??


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  • Remove the white-space: pre from inline style

    Sorry, but I don’t see anything on that page that looks even vaguely like what you say. There is no editor on that page that I can see.

    Also the text in your main text area runs over the widgets in the sidebar.

    And finally (sorry) your HTML is all over the place. For example the page’s HTML begins:

    <body class="page-id-29">
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "https://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="https://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" dir="ltr" lang="en-US">

    What on earth is a <body> tag doing there? The DOCTYPE declaration must be the first thing in the file (and on the first line if you want to code for IE6). The <body> tag must be directly within <html> and after the <head> section.

    Unless you can sort out the HTML, your page is unlikely ever to render correctly – especially across browsers.



    Thread Starter mad_hatter1986


    nsathees – thanks i will give it a try

    peredur – thanks.

    the body class was added due to what a plugin asked for, apart form that i don’t see any other html issues, and if there are they are wordpress created anyway, as thats the only coding i have really done here.

    I haven’t seen the text going over the widgets in IE or FF or Safari, so i don’t know about this issues, but thats is part of what i am trying to sort / find out.

    I want to know how to keep the text in a sized box and it to automatically go to new lines at the right point, and also not to cut off words part way though and add half a work on a new line.

    one the big issues about the text editor is noticeable on the home page


    This is a freebee website i am trying to make and also my first one so sorry if not clear in things.

    HTML issues:

    Front page:


    The page you posted about:


    It might be your theme and or a plugin that’s causing the validation errors, but if so you might want to ask yourself about the wisdom of using that theme/plugin. Up to you entirely, though, of course.

    As for the text overfilling its box, it’s because it’s in a <pre> element. A <pre> element outputs text exactly as it is input. So if the input doesn’t have a line break, the output won’t. Try removing the <pre> tags and using <p> tags instead.

    Make your changes in a child theme if at all possible.



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