• I’ve noticed that the text widget stopped working after the WP 4.8 update. It shows perfectly fine on the appearance-widgets (front end) section but on the page widgets section in the back end, it doesn’t show the editable text fields so nothing can be entered in it. Any ideas?

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  • Hi,

    Text widget is working properly for me in WordPress front and admin.
    I am able to use it without issue.

    Have you tried doing a plugin conflict check or switch themes?
    Please try out the troubleshooting steps as suggested in the forum post.

    Thank you

    Thread Starter Suanlian Tangpua


    It is still not working. Its not a plugin problem. I am using Genesis Framework and it is not a theme problem.

    I’m having the same issue. I running the Genesis Framework with the Jessica theme. The text widget and image widget give me the add and position selection, but the box to enter text or images does not appear.

    I reinstalled 4.8, disabled all plugins, and switched to the Twenty Sixteen Theme. Still doesn’t work on my new site (www.myintent.pattiturner.com) I’m not using any caching.

    However, it all works on my original site (www.pattiturner.com) running 4.8, Genesis Framework, and NewsPro theme.

    Thank you for any help!
    Is there a decent alternative we can use until a fix is found?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by elvirra.


    Sorry, I am not able to replicate your issue.

    Please see my screen-cast.

    Works properly for me using Twenty Sixteen Theme and WordPress 4.8

    I had not used genesis framework, but You probably need to update it.

    Thank you

    Solved it! I toggled off the “accessibility mode” and suddenly everything worked correctly. Honestly, I don’t even know what toggling it on and off does, but doesn’t matter at this point as my issue is resolved. Thank you for trying to help.

    Thread Starter Suanlian Tangpua


    Hi Elvirra,

    How do you do that…can you please explain?

    Kind Regards,

    On the Appearance –> Widgets section, look at the top right of the screen. Click on the dropdown “screen options” and on the right you will see “enable accessibility mode” or “disable accessibiltiy mode”. Toggle it off (disable). And voila, my plugins all worked.

    Hope that helps you.

    Thread Starter Suanlian Tangpua


    Now I found out the problem. I have used some code to defer or asynchronously load scripts in my function.php and when i delete that code it works perfectly.

    This is the culprit ??

    /*Function to defer or asynchronously load scripts not aggregated by Autoptimize*/
    function js_async_attr($tag){

    # Do not add defer or async attribute to these scripts
    $scripts_to_exclude = array(‘script1.js’, ‘script2.js’, ‘script3.js’);

    foreach($scripts_to_exclude as $exclude_script){
    if(true == strpos($tag, $exclude_script ) )
    return $tag;

    # Defer or async all remaining scripts not excluded above
    return str_replace( ‘ src’, ‘ defer=”defer” src’, $tag );
    add_filter( ‘script_loader_tag’, ‘js_async_attr’, 10 );

    maybe throw an !is_admin() condition into the mix @suanlian ? ??

    Hi all. I too experienced this issue.

    What didn’t work for me – toggling the widget Accessibility Mode as per @elvirra solution above.

    What worked for me – @suanlian realization that the defer script was messing things up followed by @optimizingmatters !is_admin() suggestion. Thanks! Here’s my code…

    function defer_parsing_of_js ( $url ) {
      if (!is_admin()){
         if ( FALSE === strpos( $url, '.js' ) ) return $url;
            if ( strpos( $url, 'jquery.js' ) ) return $url;
            return "$url' defer onload='";
    	return $url;
     add_filter( 'clean_url', 'defer_parsing_of_js', 11, 1 );
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Acal.

    I also have the problem.

    Acal: Does this code go into themes/mytheme/functions.php ?


    PS I can switch between Visual and text in Microsoft Edge browser, but not in chrome

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by pk2000.
    Sinar Kreasi


    ACAL : thanks my problem is solve.
    yesterday I’ve been optimizing defer_parsing_of_js (for speed blog) & now I remove this code. text widget back to normally after cant opened.

    I too was able to fix the problem once I went back into my functions.php (in child theme) and removed this:

    add_filter( ‘clean_url’, ‘defer_parsing_of_js’, 11, 1 );

    I’m running WordPress 4.9.4 and cannot toggle Accessibility Mode using the Screen Options menu, or make any edit changes to any of my active widgets. I narrowed the problem to a javascript error, but do not know how to rewrite the code to fix it.

    The offending javascript code is the text that follows the second exclamation mark on line 2481 of load-scripts.php:

    !f[“wp-auth-check”] && e.hasClass(“hidden”) ? b() : f[“wp-auth-check”] && !e.hasClass(“hidden”) && c())

    The problematic code generates an Uncaught TypeError that impacts line 269 of load-scripts.php

    I run a modified version of this same site using MAMP and the same version of WordPress, which doesn’t exhibit the disabled Widgets feature. Disabling plugins hasn’t fixed the issue.

    Can someone assist me in fixing the problem? Thanks for your help.

    It turns out I had an earlier version of WordPress installed. After I installed 4.9.4, the Widgets page began to function normally, although all of my previously configured widgets got deleted and I have to recreate them from my backup.

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