• I noticed with 2.3 today that if you use IE7 to wrap text around an image/thumbnail, it deletes the image from being visible in the Rich Text Editor.

    I tried it on two different PCs running IE7.

    Here’s the Jing screencapture of it happening.

    I asked a colleague about it and what he suspects

    is some sort of javascript quirk where empty dimensions mean “null,” it won’t allow “null,” so it fills in “1”—thus making the image 1×1.

    To my knowledge, it hasn’t been happening with previous versions of WP.

    It doesn’t happen with FFox.

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  • same here, i get this nasty bug on vista/ie7 and xp/ie6 – works perfectly with ff.

    help plz!


    i managed to sort of “fix” it – it works now, but now, the javascript is applied twice (!?!) in ie. so the manipulated image is inserted twice in the text. it is annoying too, but you can use it now.

    in tiny_mce.js our “bad” code starts at line 5235

    tinyMCE.add(TinyMCE_Engine, {
    	createTagHTML : function(tn, a, h) {

    all you have to do is to change
    if (typeof(a[n]) != 'function' && a[n] != null){
    if (typeof(a[n]) != 'function' && a[n] != ''){
    sry, but i dont know the right line-numbers because of inserting my own code-fragments.

    tested only in ie7/vista

    i’ve checked how this feature was implemented in the previous version of wordpress. the code is the ame – the only difference is how the code is defined (wp 2.2.1 rc2
    TinyMCE_Engine.prototype.createTagHTML = function(tn, a, h) {
    – actual version see above) – so the i think, ie has a problem with this “dynamical” function-definition – but i’m not an expert and never worked with this kind of js-code before.


    fix works not with ie6

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