Hello, I’m French and I use Google Translate to translate my text. Excuse.
I just opened my shop with WooCommerce. With your plugin, I’d like to insert a “textarea” on an article page. The aim is to give customers the possibility to record the text he wishes in this area. I sell football jerseys.
The text should then appear in the order so that I can achieve flocking.
Is this possible?
Thank you.https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/woocommerce-poor-guys-swiss-knife/
Bonsoir Hankey.
Mon fran?ais ce n’est pas tres bon, mieux que je responds en anglais.
I will offer item personalization within the WooCommerce Rich Guys Swiss Knife Version of the plugin. This is done during checkout, but I have no problem to implement a text or text personalization field on the article (item) page as well. The approach is slightly different.
You can see this function in fact on one of the screenshots I supplied, which represents a screenshot taken with Item personalization during checkout. I will release WooCommerce Rich Guys Swiss Knife this weekend and I will put an update on this here.
Tu as eu le message? Si il n’y a pas de contestation je ferme ?a pendant 5, 6 heures.
I do not quite understand the end of your message. You want to put what interest me in the plugin Rich Guys Swiss Knife?
But I’m looking for a free plugin! If the only solution is to pay, I’ll buy this plugin: https://www.woothemes.com/products/product-add-ons/
However it is not compatible with variable products …Hello Hankey71.
Let me try to explain things again, maybe you get my points:
1. WooCommerce Poor Guys Swiss Knife does not allow to personalize individual items (products) what you called articles
2. WooCommerce Poor Guys Swiss Knife allows you to modify the checkout forms and to add custom fields and to capture customer data for the whole basket which may contain one product or more products.
3. WooCommerce Rich Guys Swiss Knife allows you to personalize each and every product in the basket of a customer during checkout.
4. I may add the possibility to personalize products on the products (article) page before adding the product to the basket. That’s in fact one of the things I have on my list of possible improvements for WooCommerce Rich Guys Swiss Knife. With the two possibilities (approaches), to personalize a product before adding it to the cart and to allow personalization during the checkout, WooCommerce Rich Guys Swiss Knife could do everything you need.
5. Yes, you will have to upgrade to WooCommerce Rich Guys Swiss Knife once it is available for purchase. If I offer this totally for free I would do two negative things: I would not earn any money with all the effort but it’s more: I would put at risk a lot more people you earn a bit of money with plugins offering some of these features as well, like WooThemes. Competition is ok but you have to be loyal and you do not have to put at risk the good work of other people. In the end it’s your decision but I believe that you will have to buy or my plugin which will have a reasonable and affordable price or one of the plugins offered by competitors. Item personalization before adding the product to the cart is offered by WooThemes via this plugin: https://www.woothemes.com/products/product-add-ons/
The WooThemes Product Add-Ons plugin does a quite good job, but you have to run the latest WPML Woocommerce Multilingual plugin if you use WPML for translations of your site. The cost of this plugin for a single site license is 49$ and the possibility to upgrade for a period of time as I believe because WooThemes changed the licensing conditions.
I hope with this exhaustive answer you find answers for all your questions and doubts.
ulihAh, and sorry. WooCommerce Rich Guys Swiss Knife will be compatible with Variations. That’s important for you.
Ok! Thank you very much for all your explanations!
I think I understand!
I will not buy the Product Add-Ons plugin. The license is relatively expensive for one year. I’ll wait for your plugin. As soon as that function I want, I will buy Rich Guys Swiss Knife.
How long will it be available?I’m working hard on all this stuff. In fact I have a version running on a client side of mine which does it job quite well. I will try to have it available next Monday!
But be advised: The item personalization before adding to the cart will be added during and update in January or February.
My license will give you updates forever but it will be a single site license as well.
Personalization on Checkout for each item will be available right from the start including variations! Just to avoid confusions. And Thanks. I will try hard to have it available on Monday and if it does not suite your needs I will offer some kind of a “remboursement”. But I have to ponder about all of these questions a bit.
Ok! Very good!
Thank you!@hankey71
All done. I’m through with WooCommerce Rich Guys Swiss Knife. I will make it available today in the afternoon as I have to write some basic usage instructions with screenshots, etc.License system, store, automatic upgrades from within WordPress, all this works. Just wanted to let you know that I’m within the timeline… but at some expense… Now I have to sleep two or three hours. ??
uliWooCommerce Rich Guys Swiss Knife is now available. You need a licence to receive a copy, upgrades and support:
https://takebarcelona.com/woocommerce-rich-guys-swiss-knife/The plugin allows you to attach checkout custom forms to each and every product and hence customers can supply product specific information. If you sell products which have to be personalized or services that require you to obtain additional data, like for instance, arrival date and time, this is extremely useful. And the checkout is the ideal place to ask for this data, after the customer decided to contract a service or to buy a product.
WooCommerce Rich Guys Swiss Knife includes more possibilities and options. Continue reading here…
@hankey71: Finally I adopted the license schema and restricted support and upgrades to one year. As you showed your interest and I had not clear how I would resolve these questions I can make you special offer, you could translate for me both, WooCommerce Rich Guys Swiss Knife and WooCommerce Poor Guys Swiss Knife to “fran?ais” and I would offer you credits and a lifetime license based a bit on the quality of your translation… ??
ulihI love the plugin. My question is on adding new text fields, you have Maximum Characters, and Size. What are soem examples of what is needed in “Size”. If I place a maz at 300 characters, can the box expand so that the customer sees the whole box? Example is when writing a sympathy card for a flower shop etc.
Hello!Soon new year!
I went to your website. It’s ok.
For the proposed translation, I also agree. Using Poedit? With .po and .mo file?
Of course, a lifetime license interested me!Keep me informed!
Hello @Hankey.
Sorry for the late reply. Yeah, you can use poedit, perfect. The plugin includes a basic .pot file to generate a french file for the plugin. Let’s do it like this. You provide me with a french translation file for the Poor Guy and I will give you a license for the Rich Guy. If you deliver the french translation file for the Rich Guy I will change your license.
You can contact with me over the https://takebarcelona.com
Hello @daltx
Could you open a new thread for this elaborating on what you need? If you need a box that allows for more free text you can use a textarea. Right now a normal text field won’t expand automatically, whereas many browsers allow to expand textareas…
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